Gwaith ychwanegol / Extra work

Gwaith iaith / Language work:

Tasg 1-Ffurfio llythrennau / Task 1-Forming letters

Ydych chi'n gallu ymarfer ffurfio'r llythrennau? Cofiwch i ddechrau ar y llinell ac ar y smotyn coch bob tro. Gweler syniadau isod ar gyfer ffurfio llythrennau mewn ffordd ymarferol neu mae croeso i chi ymarfer yn eich llyfrau gwaith.

Can you practise forming letters? Remember to start on the line and on the red dot each time. See some ideas below on how to practise forming letters practically or you are welcome to practise in your homework books.

Tasg 2 - Adnabod ac adeiladu geirfa glas Tric a Chlic / Task 2 - Recognising and building blue Tric a Chlic words

Ydych chi'n adnabod pob un o'r llythrennau glas Tric a Chlic yma? Os ydych chi, beth am ddefnyddio'r llythrennau i adeiladu'r eirfa glas isod? Beth am ymarfer sillafu'r eirfa mewn llun fel blodyn, enfys ayyb? Gweler enghreifftiau isod:

Do you recognise all of the following blue Tric a Chlic letters? If so, can you use these letters to build the words below? How about spelling these words in pictures such as a flower, rainbow etc? See examples below:

Ydych chi'n adnabod sain gcchwynnol i'r geiriau canlynol?

Do you recognise the initial sound for the following words?

Atebion: / Answers:

Tasg 3 - Adeiladu a ffurfio enw / Task 3 - Building and writing your name

Beth am geisio adnabod y llythrennau yn eich enwau a'u hadeiladu mewn roced fel rydyn ni wedi bod yn gwneud yn y dosbarth? Gweler llun isod;

How about recognising all the letters in your name and building it in a rocket like we've been doing in school? See below;

Tasg 4 - Sam a Non / Task 4 - Sam a Non

Dewch i ddarllen stori 'Sam a Non'. Ydych chi'n gallu darllen a darganfod yr eirfa ganlynol yn y stori?

Come and read the story 'Sam a Non'. Can you read and identify the following words in the story?

mae / yn / car / fan / cwch / tŷ / ond / Sam / Non

Sam a Non Llyfr 1.mp4

Ydych chi'n gallu adeiladu brawddegau allan o'r stori trwy lenwi'r bylchau?

Can you build sentences out of the story by filling in the blanks?

Tasg 5 - llythrennau dwbl a sengl / Task 5 - double and single letters

Llythernnau dwbl / Double letters:

Dyma fat yr wyddor Tric a Chlic. Beth am ddefnyddio’r mat i chwilio am lythrennau dwbl a sengl? Beth am greu cardiau syml gyda'r geiriau 'dwbl' a 'sengl' arnynt ac yna dewiswch gerdyn un ar y tro a chwiliwch am lythyren (dwbl/sengl) sy'n cyfateb.

Here's a Tric a Chlic alphabet mat. How about using this mat to search for double and single letters? How about making cards with the words 'double' and 'single' on them? Choose a card, one at a time and then find the letter (double/single) to match.

Tasg 6 - Priflythrennau / Task 6 - Capital letters

Prif lythrennau / Capital letters:

Rydyn ni wedi bod yn gwneud gwaith ar brif lythrennau yn yr ysgol. Rydyn ni'n defnyddio prif lythyren ar ddechrau enw ac wrth ddechrau brawddeg newydd. Beth am gyfateb y llythrennau bach canlynol, gyda'r brif lythyren?

We have been looking at capital letters in school. We use capital letters at the start of our names and when beginning a new sentence. How about connecting the small letters below with the correct capital letter?

Gwaith mathemateg / Mathematics work:

Dewch i gyfri / Let's count

Gwrandewch ar gân Cyw 'Cyfri ar y bws'. Ydych chi'n gallu cyfri hyd at 10? Beth am yn ôl o 10 hefyd?

Listen to the Cyw song 'Cyfri ar y bws'. Can you count to 10? How about backwards from 10?


Tasg 1 - Adnabod a ffurfio / Task 1 - Recognising and forming

Dewch i ymarfer adnabod a ffurfio'r rhifau canlynol. Gallech ffurfio'r rhifau yn eich llyfrau neu'n ymarferol mewn reis, blawd, gyda thoes ayyb. Gweler enghreifftiau isod;

Come and practise recognising and forming the following numbers. You can form the numbers in your book or practically in rice, flour, with play dough etc. See examples below;

Tasg 2-Adio a Thynnu / Task 2 -Addition and Subtraction

Ydych chi'n gallu cwblhau y symiau isod?

Can you complete the following sums?

5 + 1 = 9 + 3 =

4 + 3 = 7 + 5 =

7 + 2 = 10 + 1 =

3 +1 = 5 + 5 =

8 + 2 = 8 + 6 =

6 + 2 = 6 + 6 =

2 + 2 = 8 +7 =

9 + 1 = 7 + 6 =

1 + 2 = 9 + 4

5 + 3 = 10 + 9 =

5 - 1 = 20 - 3 =

4 - 3 = 17 - 5 =

7 - 4 = 19 - 1 =

8 - 2 = 15 - 5 =

6 - 2 = 18 - 6 =

9 - 3 = 16 - 6 =

2 -1 = 18 - 7 =

10 + 5 = 17 - 6 =

10-+ 3 = 17 - 2 =

8 - 5 = 20 - 9 =

Tasg 3 -Siapiau 2D a 3D / Task 3 -2D and 3D shapes

Rydyn ni wedi bod yn edrych ar siapiau dros y tymor diwethaf. Ydych chi'n adnabod y siapiau 2D a 3D canlynol?

We have been looking at 2D and 3D shapes over the last term. Do you recognise the following 2D and 3D shapes?

Beth am chwilio am bethau o amgylch y tŷ sydd yn siâp 2D neu 3D? Gweler enghreifftiau isod;

How about searching around the house for items that are 2D and 3D shaped? See examples below;

Siapiau 3D / 3D shapes

Siapiau 3D / 3D shapes

Tasg 4: Un yn fwy ac un yn llai / Task 4: One more and one less

Fedrwch chi lenwi'r tabl ac ysgrifennu 1 rhif yn fwy ac 1 rhif yn llai? Defnyddiwch y lluniau isod i'ch helpu i wneud gweithgareddau cyfri 1 yn fwy ac 1 yn llai gydag adnoddau o amgylch y tŷ.

Can you fill in the table and write 1 more and 1 less? Use the pictures below to help you count 1 more and 1 less activities using recourses around the house.

Gemau Mathemateg / Mathematical games

Cliciwch ar y linc i chwarae gem patrymau rhif ar 'Top Marks'.

Click on the link to play a number pattern game on 'Top Marks'.

Gwaith Thema / Topic Work:

Tasg 1- Anifeiliaid nosol / Task 1- Nocturnal animals

Rydyn ni wedi bod yn trafod dydd a nos yn yr ysgol dros y tymor diwethaf. Mae llawer o anifeiliaid sydd yn cysgu yn y dydd ac ar ddihun yn y nos e.e gwdihŵ. Ydych chi'n gallu meddwl am fwy o anifeiliaid nosol? Beth am greu llun/poster gyda'r holl anifeiliaid nosol?

We have been looking at 'day' and 'night' in school over the last term. There are lots of animals that sleep in the day and are awake in the night. An owl is a nocturnal animal. Can you think of more nocturnal animals? How about creating a picture/poster of all the nocturnal animals you can think of?

Tasg 2- Didoli deunyddiau / Task 2- Sorting materials

Ydych chi'n gallu didoli deunyddiau plastig, pren a phapur? Gallech ddidoli rhain unrhyw ffordd y dymunwch.

Can you sort the materials plastic, wood and paper? You can sort these any way you wish.

Tasg 3- Celf / Task 2- Art

Y storm Eira / Once upon a Snowstorm.

Rydyn ni'n mynd i fod yn canolbwyntio ar stori 'Y storm eira' dros yr wythnosau nesaf. Ydych chi'n gallu creu pluen eira? Cewch greu pluen eira unrhyw ffordd y dymunwch e.e. peintio, collage, model 3D, gyda 'glitter', botymau ayyb. Dyma rai ffeithiau am blu eira a thempled er mwyn i chi ddefnyddio os dymunwch;

We will be focusing on the book 'Once upon a snowstorm' over the next couple of weeks. Can you create a snowflake? You can make your snowflake any way you wish e.g, painting, collage, 3D model, using glitter, buttons etc. Here are some fun facts about snowflakes and templates if you wish to use them;

Enghreifftiau / Examples:

Sgiliau llawdrin manwl / Fine motor skills:

Isod mae syniadau datblygu sgiliau mudol man.

Below are some ideas to help develop fine motor skills.

Ymarfer sgiliau rheoli pensil trwy ddilyn y smotiau. / Practise pencil control skills by doing large scale dot to dot.

Printio mewn toes. / Printing in playdough.

Achub y pry cop. / Save the spiders.


Tasg 1 - Iaith / Task 1 - Language:

Llythrennau pinc / Pink letters

Dyma lythrennau pinc Tric a Chlic. Ewch ati i ddarllen y llythrennau hyn a cheisio'u ffurfio. Unwaith eto, canolbwyntiwch ar y llythrennau dwbl 'dd', 'ff' a 'rh'. Ydych chi hefyd yn gallu darllen ac adeiladu'r eirfa binc? Beth am geisio adeiladu geirfa yn ymarferol, mewn blawd, ewyn eillio neu gyda llythrennau magnetig am dipyn bach o hwyl?

Gweler mwy o syniadau ffurfio isod.

Here are the pink Tric a Chlic letters. Go ahead and practise recognising and forming them. Once again, focus on the double letters 'dd', 'ff' and 'rh'. Can you also read and build the pink words? How about building the words practically, in flour, shaving foam or magnetic letters for fun?

Below are some ideas on letter formation.

Darllen / Reading:

Darllenwch lyfr 'Cacen ych a fi' gyda Mrs Aubrey.

Read the book 'Cacen ych a fi' with Mrs Aubrey.

cacen ych a fi.mp4

Geirfa 'oi'/ 'oi' words:

Yn y stori, 'Cacen ych a fi', gwelwn eirfa sy'n cynnwys y sain 'oi' e.e 'rhoi'. Ydych chi'n gallu ffeindio’r eirfa sydd yn cynnwys 'oi' yn y chwilair isod?

In the story, 'Cacen ych a fi', there are words that contain the 'oi' sound e.g 'rhoi'. Can you find words that contain the 'oi' sound in the word search below?

Tasg 2 - Mathemateg / Task 2 - Maths:

Bondiau 10 / Number Bonds to 10:

Rydyn ni wedi bod yn gwneud bondiau 10 yn yr ysgol dros y pythefnos diwethaf. Dewiswch un o’r taflennu isod i'w gwblhau. Gweler enghreifftiau isod am wahanol ffordd i greu bondiau 10.

We have been making number bonds to 10 in class over the past two weeks. Choose a worksheet below to complete. See examples below for different ways of making number bonds to 10.

Taflen A / Worksheet A

Taflen B / Worksheet B

Mwynhewch yr hanner tymor! / Enjoy the half term!