
Gwaith Cartref 24.9.21

Adnabod a ffurfio llythrennau melyn Tric a Chlic / Recognising and forming Yellow Tric a Chlic letters:

Ydych chi'n adnabod y llythrennau Tric a Chlic melyn canlynol? Beth am geisio ymarfer ffurfio'r llythrennau? Mae croeso i chi ddefnyddio eich llyfrau gwaith cartref, neu ddefnyddio deunyddiau o gwmpas y tŷ. Gallech hefyd fynd allan a defnyddio deunyddiau naturiol. Gweler enghreifftiau isod:

Do you recognise the following yellow Tric a Chlic letters? How about practising forming them? You are welcome to form them in your homework books or using materials/object around the house. You can also go outdoors and form them with natural items. See examples below:

Her Rigymau Pori Drwy Stori / Pori Drwy Stori Rhyme Challenge :

Wythnos 1: Rhigymau Rhifau / Week 1 - Number Rhymes

'Un a Dau a Thri Banana'

Rydyn ni wedi bod yn dysgu cân 'Un a Dau a Thri Banana' yr wythnos hon. Cliciwch ar y linc isod i wylio fideo o'r gân.

This week, we have been learning the number rhyme 'Un a Dau a Thri Banana'. Click on the link below to watch the video.


Wythnos 2- Hwiangerddi / Week 2 - Nursery Rhymes:

'Hicori Dicori Doc'

Wythnos nesaf, byddwn yn dysgu'r hwiangerdd 'Hicori Dicori Doc'. Cliciwch ar y linc isod i wylio fideo o'r gân.

Next week, we will been learning the nursery rhyme 'Hicori Dicori Doc'. Click on the link below to watch the video.
