
Gwaith Cartref - 08.10.21 / Homework - 08.10.21:

Gwaith iaith / Language work:

Tasg 1 - Adnabod a ffurfio enw / Task 1 - Recognising and forming your name:

Beth am ymarfer adnabod a ffurfio eich enw? Gallech ddefnyddio llythrennau magnetig, torri llythrennau allan o gylchgronau, ffurfio mewn ewyn eillio, blawd ayyb neu ffurfiwch eich enw yn eich llyfrau gwaith cartref.

Dyma enghreifftiau isod:

How about practising recognising and forming your name? You could use magnetic letters, cut letters out of magazines, shaving foam, flour etc or write your name in your homework books.

Here are some examples below:

Tasg 2 / Task 2 - Tric a Chlic

Ydych chi'n adnabod y llythrennau melyn Tric a Chlic isod? Pa eiriau ydych chi'n gallu eu creu gyda'r llythrennau hyn?

Do you recognise the yellow Tric a Chlic letters below? What words can you make using these letters?

Her Rigymau Pori Drwy Stori / Pori Drwy Stori Rhyme Challenge :

Wythnos 4- Rhigymau Actol / Week 4 - Action Rhymes:

'Pen, Ysgwyddau, Coesau, Traed'

Wythnos nesaf, byddwn yn dysgu Rhigwm Actol 'Pen, Ysgwyddau, Coesau, Traed'. Cliciwch ar y linc isod i wylio fideo. Cofiwch, mae rhagor o ganeuon a rhigymau yn y llyfr i chi eu dysgu os dymunwch.

Next week, we will been learning the Action Rhyme 'Pen, Ysgwyddau, Coesau, Traed'. Click on the link below to watch the video. Remember, there are more songs and rhymes available in the book for you to learn if you wish.
