
Gwaith Cartref - 28.01.22 / Homework - 28.01.22:

Penwythnos gwylio adar / Big Garden Birdwatch

Y penwythnos hwn, mae’n benwythnos gwylio adar yn yr ardd. Cyfrwch yr adar rydych chi’n eu gweld yn eich gardd, o’ch balconi neu yn eich parc lleol am awr rhwng 28 a 30 Ionawr. Cadwch restr o’r adar rydych chi’n eu gweld!

Am fwy o wybodaeth, ewch i’r wefan.

This weekend is the Big Garden Birdwatch. Simply count the birds you see you in your garden, from your balcony or in a local park for one hour between 28 and 30 January. Keep a record of the birds you see.

For more information, visit the website.

Mathemateg / Mathematics

Siapiau 2D a 3D / 2D and 3D Shapes

Chwilio am siapiau 2D a 3D yn y tŷ a thu allan / Look for 2D and 3D shapes in the house and outside

Rydyn ni wedi bod yn dysgu am siapiau 2D a 3D. Ydych chi'n gallu chwilio am siapiau 2D a 3D o amgylch y tŷ a thu allan? Gallwch chi ddidoli'r siapiau neu dynnu lluniau o'r siapiau. Defnyddiwch y lluniau am gymorth.

We have been focusing on 2D and 3D shapes. Can you look for 2D and 3D shapes around the house and outside? You can sort the shapes or draw the shapes. Use the pictures to help.

Didoli siapiau 2D a 3D / Sorting 2D and 3D shapes

Cliciwch ar y linc i chwarae gêm didoli siapiau 2D a 3D.

Click on the link to play the 2D and 3D shape sorting game.