
Gwaith Cartref - 21.01.22 / Homework - 21.01.22:

Iaith / Language

Adeiladu geirfa Tric a Chlic/ Building Tric a Chlic Words

Darllen / Reading:

Dewch i ddarllen geirfa felen Tric a Chlic. Cofiwch i seinio allan pob llythyren. Defnyddiwch eich bysedd i adeiladu'r eirfa.

Come and practise reading the yellow Tric a Chlic words. Remember to sound out all the letters. Use your finger to help you sound out the words.

Adeiladu geirfa / Building words:

Dewch i adeiladu geirfa Melyn Tric a Chlic. Beth am ymarfer trwy ddefnyddio grid pyramid? Gweler enghreifftiau isod;

Come and practise building these Tric a Chlic words. How about practising using the pyramid grid? See examples below;

Ail-drefnu brawddegau / Re-arranging sentences:

Dewch i ail-drefnu'r brawddegau canlynol sydd wedi ffrwydro. Cofiwch i roi atalnod llawn ar ddiwedd y frawddeg. Dyma enghraifft;

Mae Pat ar y mat.

Can you re-arrange the following jumbled up sentences. Remember to use a full stop at the end of a sentence. Here is an example;

Mae Pat ar y mat. (Pat is on the mat.)
