
Gwaith Cartref - 15.10.21 / Homework - 15.10.21:

Mathemateg / Mathematics:

Tasg 1-Adnabod a ffurfio rjhifau hyd at 20 / Task 1 - Recognising and forming numbers up to 20:

Ydych chi'n gallu ymarfer adnabod, cyfri a chyfateb rhifau hyd at 20? Dyma rhi enghreifftiau isod;

Can you practise recognising, counting and matching numbers up to 20? Here are some examples below;

Tasg 2 - Adio / Task 2- Addition

A fedrwch chi ddefnyddio adnoddau o amgylch y ty neu'r ardd i ymarfer adio 2 rif?

Can you use resources from around the house or garden to add 2 numbers?

Her Rigymau Pori Drwy Stori / Pori Drwy Stori Rhyme Challenge :

Wythnos 5- Cerddi Difyr / Week 4 - Fun Poems:

'Dw i'n Hoffi'

Wythnos nesaf, byddwn yn dysgu cerdd difyr 'Dw i'n hoffi'. Cliciwch ar y linc isod i wylio fideo. Cofiwch, mae rhagor o gerddi a rhigymau yn y llyfr i chi eu dysgu os dymunwch.

Next week, we will been learning the fun poem 'Dw i'n hoffi'. Click on the link below to watch the video. Remember, there are more poems and rhymes available in the book for you to learn if you wish.

Shwmae / Sutmae

Mae Diwrnod Shwmae yn digwydd ym mis Hydref bob blwyddyn ac yn gyfle gwych i gael hwyl yn defnyddio’r iaith Gymraeg ym mhobman.

Fel tasg gwaith cartref, ewch ati i greu’r gair ‘Shwmae’ allan o wahanol wrthrychau sydd yn y tŷ neu yn yr ardd. Mae ychydig o syniadau isod fel i’ch helpu.

Shwmae Day is an annual event that takes place in October. It's an opportunity to have fun and share the Welsh language – in the shop, leisure centre, at work and with friends.

To celebrate the day, have a go at making the word ‘Shwmae’ (Hello) out of different objects and materials that you have in the house or in the garden. There are a few examples below to help you.

Cliciwch ar y linc isod i glywed y plant yn dweud 'Shwmae';

Click on the link below to listen to the children saying 'Shwmae';

