Information & Further Research

Help for teachers to support parents in supporting Welsh in the home. Spark Page contains a number of different resources to promote benefits.

Phase:  FPh - KS4 teachers

A video that explains the history and situation of the Welsh language and its importance in modern Wales. Suitable for teachers and leaders who want to develop pride and identity. Could be shared with older pupils at school if desired. This online module looks at the importance of good Welsh language skills when entering the world of work.

Phase: Secondary Sector

The resource is aimed at lecturers and Childcare students. It includes a presentation and activities to check your knowledge. The presentation looks at bilingualism and its importance in the Care Sector in Wales. It also looks at the laws that have affected how we all use Welsh today. Content is relevant to the Childcare Core level 2 course.

Phase: Secondary teachers of childcare / health and social care

A series of English-medium podcasts but on a variety of subjects related to education.

Phase:  FPh - KS4

Website for the Welsh-medium primary sector to support non-Welsh speaking parents.

Phase: Primary Teachers 

This resource is built on a series of behavior change workshops. The resource is a recording of a presentation that conceptualizes rational and irrational behavior, discusses factors that affect higher education medium choice and outlines a behavior change framework (and includes a simple example of how to use it).

Phase: Secondary Sector 

"Introduction to Linguistics" is an introduction to the basics of Linguistics for students and teachers who have little or no background in the study of language and linguistic subjects (eg language sounds, morphology and syntax, meaning, multilingualism and sociolinguistics). This unit is very useful in conjunction with the first  What matters statement within the Languages, Literacy and Communication AoLE.

Phase: Primary and Secondary Teachers 

This is a collection of resources that emphasize the benefits of studying Welsh as a subject. The resources encourage pupils to continue to study Welsh as an AS / A level subject and as a university degree. The collection contains various material such as video clips, documents and links to external websites. These resources are part of a collection of resources that offer support and encouragement to pupils and teachers of Welsh.

Phase:  Secondary Sector (teachers of Welsh as a subject)

The Tomorrow's Doctors scheme is intended to support learners who are in their first year of study in our Further Education colleges, and in year 12 of our schools, who are Welsh speaking and who wish to apply to study Medicine at university. With the support of university staff the following workshops will be organized:

March: Presentation, Cuppa and a Chat with Menai Evans, Sara Whittam, Sara Vaughan. April: Work experience with Llinos Roberts May: Curriculum C21 with Rhian Goodfellow and How to Choose a Course with Medical Students at Cardiff University Alternate with Alwena Morgan and [Siwan Iorwerth and Gwenllian TBC TBC] September: Speed ​​Dating with professional doctors! October: Question and answer session Personal Statement November: Practice MMIs December: Practice MMIs

Phase:  Primary and Secondary Teachers

This is a collection of resources for AS and A level Welsh Second Language pupils and teachers. The resources, relevant to the specification, offer support and encouragement as you adapt to a new way of learning and teaching at an unprecedented period in Welsh education. The collection contains various material such as video clips, promotional material and links to external websites.

Phase: Secondary Sector (teachers of Welsh as a second language as a subject)

This is a collection of resources for AS and A level Welsh First Language pupils and teachers. The resources, relevant to the specification, offer support and encouragement as you adapt to a new way of learning and teaching at an unprecedented period in Welsh education. The collection contains various material such as video clips, promotional materials and links to external websites.

Phase:  Secondary Teachers A Level Welsh

'Our World' is a free, bilingual online digital magazine full of timely articles and activities that complement the new curriculum for Wales. The primary focus of the resource is to provide parents and teachers with a single online destination, constantly offering new material to use as a catalyst for learning at school or at home. The magazine is thematic, complements the new curriculum in Wales, and will stimulate and inspire children in the lower and upper age groups in secondary school to take an interest in contemporary topics that cover local issues , national and international. The resource has been designed by teachers and curriculum experts across Wales with the support of the Welsh Government.

Phase:  Various Secondary teachers

Sgiliaith's National Staff Development Program aims to provide innovative training and practical advice on resources and good practice for staff in the further education and apprenticeship sectors. This is intended to support practitioners in offering Welsh language and bilingual provision to learners and apprentices.

Phase: Secondary Teachers who teach subjects bilingually.

This is a collection of resources for GCSE Welsh Second Language pupils and teachers. The resources, relevant to the specification, offer support and encouragement as you adapt to a new way of learning and teaching at an unprecedented period in Welsh education. The collection contains various material such as video clips, promotional materials and links to external websites.

Phase:  Secondary Teachers GCSE Welsh second language

This is a collection of resources for GCSE Welsh First Language pupils and teachers. The resources, relevant to the specification, offer you support and encouragement to adapt to a new way of learning and teaching at an unprecedented period in Welsh education. The collection contains various material such as video clips, promotional materials and links to external websites.

Phase:  Secondary Teachers GCSE Welsh second language

These 'Urgent' videos show the experience of seven people working in important jobs, who are under stress and who see the benefit of being able to speak to people in Welsh.

Phase: Public service / careers secondary teachers

This workshop will be of interest to staff wishing to explore approaches to study skills, and the possibilities of integrating and introducing elements of study skills into academic programs / modules / courses.

Phase: Various Secondary Teachers

Grammar exercises and lessons for improving the language skills of Welsh speaking practitioners.

Phase:  Teachers who want to improve language

A variety of courses online and for teachers to learn Welsh.

Phase: Anyone of any level who wants to learn Welsh.

A taster program for learning Welsh at different levels.

Phase: Anyone of any level who wants to learn Welsh.

A website for learning Welsh at sentence level for free but it is possible to move on at an additional cost.

Phase: Anyone of any level who wants to learn Welsh.

Improving the Language of Classroom Assistants

Language Improvement course based mainly on Oracy needs of the FPh but suitable for primary classroom assistants in general.

Phase: Classroom Assistants FPh to KS4

National Centre for Excellence for Language Pedagogy

A substantial package of support which includes professional development tools, teaching resources, and workshops.

(English medium only) 

Phase: FPh-KS3

The Professional Development & Best Practice area of Oxford Owl contains regularly reviewed and updated free and subscription-based resources that provide essential support for your personal and whole-school professional development. With professional development videos, reports and case studies from leading independent experts and teachers that are all linked to key school improvement issue.

(English medium only) 

Phase: FPh-KS2

Compendium of thematic reports and supplementary materials which describes practice that supports the successful development of learners’ listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in the language of the setting or school.

The ‘Welsh language acquisition’ report provides an overview of how effectively Welsh-medium and bilingual settings and schools teach and support the acquisition and development of Welsh language skills of learners aged between three and eleven years.

The ‘English language and literacy in settings and primary schools’ report identifies how effectively English-medium settings and schools in Wales support and teach English language and literacy to learners aged three to eleven.

Phase: FPh-KS2

Centre for Literacy in Primary Education 

Access to free resources and blogs.  Fee payable for some training.

A small independent charity that provide well evidenced, creative, literacy training and support for primary school teachers and others that work in primary schools.  They produce high quality resources to support classroom teaching and learning and work to ensure that as many schools as possible have access to the best knowledge, research and materials to help them use quality children’s literature to raise children’s achievement. They also influence and inform practice, pedagogy and policy in literacy.

(English medium only) 

Phase: FPh-KS3

Teacher development workshops for schools in Wales.  Develop critical communicators. Use global citizenship to capture learners' interest and improve skills across speaking and listening, reading, writing and media literacy.

(English medium only)

Phase: FPh-KS4

Project based analysis to help promote best practice. Free programmes and resources for schools and early years settings.  

Phase: FPh-KS5

Free regularly updated classroom activities and resources for the teaching of language and literacy.  Also contains a comprehensive library of  articles to help develop  understanding of teaching methodology and practice. 

Phase: FPh-KS4