
Diversity here refers to recognising and celebrating the diverse nature of social groups and communities and to ensuring that the curriculum reflects that diversity and is responsive to the experiences of those groups and communities. At its most basic, it means being aware of the characteristics of others and treating others with compassion, empathy, understanding and equity, regardless of those characteristics. As learners progress, they should become increasingly aware of a range of specific characteristics which can define our identity, including sex, gender, race, religion, age, disability and sexuality. 

What is DARPL?

DARPL (Diversity and Anti-Racist Professional Learning) is a learning and resource hub for those working in education and childcare to develop an understanding and development of anti-racist practice. Our vision is to ensure that those working within education, childcare and play develop the tools and carry out anti-racist practice that supports the aim of being an anti-racist Wales by 2030.

Toolkit for DARPL Stakeholders ENG.docx