Adnoddau Dylunio Cwricwlwm i Arweinwyr

Curriculum Design Resources for Leaders

Mae'r wybodaeth allweddol i gyd ar gael ar dudalen HWB CiG. Ceir diweddariadau cyson yn ogystal drwy'r newyddlen Dysg gan Llywodraeth Cymru.
All key information can be found on the CfW HWB page. All relevant updates are disseminated through the Welsh government Dysg newsletter.

Canllaw Llywodraeth Cymru ar Ddylunio Cwricwlwm - Welsh Government Guidance on Curriculum Design

Cwricwlwm i Gymru: canllaw ar gynllunio a blaenoriaethau - Hwb ( - Curriculum in Wales: planning and priority guide - Hwb (


'CiG: Offeryn i Arweinwyr' sydd wedi ei selio ar gynnwys y ddogfen 'Y daith i weithredu'r cwricwlwm'. Er mwyn cefnogi ysgolion i gymryd tymheredd ar ble mae’n nhw arni ar y daith, rydym wedi creu offeryn i arweinwyr sydd yn eich cefnogi i bennu blaenoriaethau, adnabod beth sydd angen i wneud ac adnabod agweddau o’r broses sydd angen eu hail ymweld. Mae'r 'offeryn' yn cynnwys cyfeiriad at lu o ddysgu proffesiynol perthnasol ac adnoddau i'ch cynorthwyo ar bob cam o'r ffordd.

'CfW: Toolkit for Leaders' is based on the content of the document 'The journey to curriculum roll-out'. This resource has been designed to support schools to recognise where they are on the journey, to set priorities, identify what needs to be done and any aspects of the process that need to be re-visited. The 'toolkit' includes links and references to a host of relevant professional learning and resources to assist you at every step of the way.

Cwricwlwm i Gymru - Offeryn i Arweinwyr - YSGOL XXXX.xlsx
Curriculum for Wales - Toolkit for Leaders - YSGOL XXXX.xlsx

Canllaw Datblygu Cwricwlwm - Ceredigion - John Sullivan - Guide for Curriculum Design

Dylunio Cwricwlwm - John Sullivan (Cymraeg).mp4

Dechrau cynllunio eich Cwricwlwm - Llywio'r Llwybr

Designing you Curriculum - Possible Pathway

Dyma gynllun fydd yn eich cynorthwyo i osod y sylfeini cynnar, a'ch tywys drwy un ffordd posib ar gyfer datblygu eich cwricwlwm lefel uchel. Mae'n cynnwys gweithgareddau ymarferol i'ch cefnogi.

This action plan will support you in laying the early foundations for one possible way of achieving your high level curriculum design. It includes practical activities to facilitate discussions and collate ideas.

Llywio Llwybr - Cynllunio eich Cwricwlwm.pdf
Designing our Curriculum - Possible Pathway.pdf

Rhaglen Ddylunio'r Cwricwlwm Traws-Ranbarthol - Lucy Crehan

Lucy Crehan - Cross-Regional Curriculum Design Programme

Rhoddodd y Rhaglen Dylunio Cwricwlwm traws-ranbarthol, a ddatblygwyd mewn partneriaeth â Lucy Crehan, gyfle i ysgolion o bob rhan o Gymru weithio mewn partneriaeth i ddatblygu sgiliau dylunio'r cwricwlwm a datblygu fframweithiau cysyniadol i gefnogi cynllunio hirdymor o ran y cwricwlwm i Gymru. Darparodd ystod eang o arbenigwyr cwricwlwm fewnbynnau dylunio'r cwricwlwm.

The cross-regional Curriculum Design Programme, developed in partnership with Lucy Crehan provided an opportunity for schools from across Wales to work in partnership to develop curriculum design skills and develop conceptual frameworks to support long term planning with regards to the curriculum for Wales. A broad range of curriculum experts provided curriculum design inputs.

Dylunio Cwricwlwm - Traws-rhanbarthol

Cross-Regional Curriculum Design Workshops

Mae Modiwl Dylunio Cwricwlwm Cenedlaethol Cymru yn cynnwys 4 modiwl sy'n cwmpasu'r meysydd canlynol isod :

Dylunio a Datblygu'r Cwricwlwm 1: Theori'r Cwricwlwm a chyflwyniad i fframwaith cwricwlwm Cymru

Dylunio a Datblygu'r Cwricwlwm 2: Modelau Datblygu'r Cwricwlwm

Dylunio a Datblygu'r Cwricwlwm 3: Ystyriaethau Dylunio AoLE a Dysgu Proffesiynol

Dylunio a Datblygu'r Cwricwlwm 4: Asesu a Dilyniant

The National Curriculum for Wales Curriculum Design Module comprises of 4 modules covering the following areas below :

Curriculum Design and Development 1: Curriculum Theory and an introduction to the curriculum for Wales framework

Curriculum Design and Development 2: Models of Curriculum Development

Curriculum Design and Development 3: AoLE Design Considerations and Professional Learning

Curriculum Design and Development 4: Assessment and Progression

Templedi Dal Cwricwlwm Lefel Uchel- High Level Curriculum Overview Templates

These are just examples of possible ways to capture your school's high-level curriculum overview. It's important to note that these are just ideas. It is ALL important for every school to go through the process of producing an overview that aligns with their vision and reflects the school context. You can download this excel document, view the various templates and adapt as required. Thank you to those schools who have shared their ideas.

Templedi Cynllun Ysgol Gyfan Lefel Uchel Rhannwyd Gwanwyn 2022xxxx .xlsx

Dyma enghreifftiau yn unig o dduliau posib o ddal trosolwg cwricwlwm lefel uchel eich hysgol. Mae'n bwysig nodi taw syniadau yn unig ceir yma. Mae yn HOLL bwysig i bob ysgol fynd drwy'r broses o lunio trosolwg sydd yn cyd-fynd ac yn gweddu eu gweledigaeth ac yn adlewyrchu cyd-destun a sefyllfa yr ysgol. Mae'n bosib lawr lwytho'r ddogfen excel hwn, ystyried y templedi amrywiol ac addasu yn ôl y gofyn. Diolch i'r ysgolion hynny sydd wedi bod yn barod i rannu eu syniadau.

Templedi Cynllunio Tymor Canolig- Mid Term Planning Templates

Dyma enghreifftiau yn unig o dempledi cynllunio tymor canolig. Ceir yma amrywiaeth o syniadau i sbarduno sgyrsiau o fewn ysgolion. Diolch i'r rhai hynny sydd wedi bod yn barod i gyfrannu eu syniadau.

Gellir rhannu eich templedi gyda chwmni Taith 360 er mwyn personoli allbwn y rhaglen gynllunio.

These are examples of mid term planning templates that align with CfW. Again these are designed as starting points for in-school discussions. Thank you to the schools who have contributed their initial ideas.

You can share your final planning templates with Taith 360 in order to personalise your school planning output.

Deunyddiau traws-ranbarthol i gefnogi Dylunio'r Cwricwlwm

Cross regional materials to support Curriculum Design

Model Dylunio Cwricwlwm Ysgol Yr Aber.pdf

Enghraifft o grynodeb o'r Cwricwlwm

Curriculum Design Model Ysgol Yr Aber.pdf

An example of a Curriculum summary

Ffordd Dyffryn Curriculum Rationale.pdf

Enghraifft o grynodeb o'r Cwricwlwm

Ffordd Dyffryn Rhesymwaith ar gyfer Cwricwlwm.pdf

An example of a Curriculum summary

Deunyddiau traws-ranbarthol i gefnogi Dylunio'r Cwricwlwm - Asesu a Chynnydd

Cross regional materials to support Curriculum Design - Assessment and Progression

Enghraifft o drefniadau asesu a chynnydd CiG - Example of assessment and progression arrangements

Gofynion Gweithredu'r Cwricwlwm - Curriculum Roll-out Requirements

Dyma grynodeb o'r gofynion gweithredu fel ag y maent yn ymddangos yn y ddogfen 'Y Daith i weithredu'r cwricwlwm'. Mi fydd diweddariad pellach yn dilyn.

Theses summaries are based on the 'Journey to curriculum roll-out' document. Updates will be coming soon.

Addysg heblaw yn yr ysgol (AHY) -Crynodeb o’r gofynion ar gyfer gweithredu.docx
Unedau cyfeirio disgyblion-Crynodeb o’r gofynion ar gyfer gweithredu.docx
Lleoliadau addysg feithrin nas-gynhelir-Crynodeb o’r gofynion ar gyfer gweithredu.docx
Ysgolion-Crynodeb o’r gofynion ar gyfer gweithredu.docx
Schools - Summary of requirements for roll.docx
EOTAS - Summary of requirements for roll.docx
PRU - Summary of requirements for roll.docx
Non-maintained nursery education settings - Summary of requirements for roll.docx

Crynodeb Tymhorol o Ddiweddariadau CiG - Termly Overview of CfW Updates

Crynodeb CiG Ceredigion Gwanwyn 2022_.docx
CfW Ceredigion Autumn Overvirew Spring 2022.docx
Crynodeb CiG Ceredigion Hydref 2021 .docx
CfW Autumn Overvirew 2021.docx
Crynodeb CiG Ceredigion 2020-2021 .docx
CfW Ceredigion Overview 2020-2021 .docx
Crynodeb CiG Ceredigion Hydref 2020.docx
CfW Autumn Overvirew 2020.docx
Crynodeb CiG Ceredigion CfW 2019-2020.docx
CfW Ceredigion Overview 2019-2020.docx

Gwaith Paratoi Ysgolion Ceredigion CiG - Ceredigion Schools Preparation ( i ddod - to follow)