Firearms Licensing

New as of Fall 2024: 

New applicants, renewals, and address changes can now be done through the online licensing portal here

If you are renewing your LTC, you will still need to come down to the Holliston Police Department to fill out the affidavit (page 4 of the paper form) with a check made out to Town of Holliston

Cash is no longer accepted. 

New LTC/FID applicants are by appointment only. Sgt. Remkus or Sgt. MacGray will reach out to schedule an appointment once your application is viewed in the online portal; this is for new applicants only. 

Massachusetts License to Carry/FID Forms

When dropping off your application, please bring the following:

Application Fee is waived for residents 70 years of age or older

New LTC applicants must be 21 years of age or older to obtain a permit. In accordance with MGL Ch. 140, Sec. 131(a) & (b); Issuing of LTCs is also “subject to such restrictions relative to the possession, use or carrying of firearms as the licensing authority deems proper” An LTC costs $100.00 and is valid for 6 years.

New FID applicants must be 18 years or older (or 14-17 years of age with parental consent. Applicants 14 years old may apply, but will not be issued the card until they reach age 15). In accordance with MGL Ch. 140, Sec. 129B; “Any person residing or having a place of business within the jurisdiction of the licensing authority or any person residing in an area of exclusive federal jurisdiction located within a city or town may submit to the licensing authority an application for a firearm identification card, or renewal of the same, which the licensing authority shall issue if it appears that the applicant is not a prohibited person”. The fee for an FID card is $100.00 for people 18 years of age or older and $25 for applicants under 18 years of age. It is valid for 6 years.

Firearm License Renewals – Firearm licenses are valid for 6 years. You must submit a request with your local police department for a renewal prior to the expiration date of your current license. If your application for renewal is made prior to the expiration date, your current license remains valid until the renewal is either approved or denied. Additional training is not required.