
05/10/2023 (mini course)

Manoel Luis Costa 

UFRJ, Brasil

Area of ​​expertise: Investigates muscle differentiation and the role of the cytoskeleton, particularly in the zebrafish model.


Cristina Guatimosim Fonseca

UFMG, Brasil

Roberta Sessa Stilhano Yamaguchi


Vandré Casagrande Figueiredo 

Oakland University, EUA

Area of ​​expertise: Muscle Biology and Cytology, mainly with regard to neuronal communication, neuromuscular junction, cholinergic dysfunction and Huntington's disease.

Area of ​​expertise: Studies Gene and Cell Therapy via alginate hydrogel to reduce fibrosis in diseases of the musculoskeletal system and Recessive Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa. In addition, it investigates the viral kinetics of SARS-CoV-2 and therapy for COVID19.

Area of ​​expertise: Investigates how biogenesis and degradation of ribosomes are regulated in myofibers and muscle cells and how these cellular processes affect ribosome homeostasis/turnover, muscle protein synthesis and muscle size.

Luciane Carla Alberici

USP, Brasil

Area of ​​expertise: Investigates mitochondrial function, energy metabolism, oxidative stress and protective mechanisms induced by physical exercise in the context of neurodegenerative or metabolic diseases.