Registration and Submission


Registration for participation is open from February 8 to May 10.

To register for the symposium use the form available at this link

Check the email account used to sent your registration form. Communication through it is essential for participation in SBBMusc.

Attention! The correct sending of the registration form generates an automatic message on the screen, however the confirmation email is done manually once a week by our team. Therefore, if you have not received a confirmation email in your inbox after 7 days of your registration, check the SPAM box and / or contact us by e-mail:


General information:

From February 22 to March 19.


The abstract should preferably be written in English, but abstracts in Portuguese will also be accepted. Make sure that the summary does not contain grammatical or typing errors before submitting. 


The abstract body is limited to 300 words. The abstract file must be formatted as follows: arial 10, 1.5 line spacing, justified paragraphs. The abstract title must be in bold capital letters.

ATTENTION: Abstracts that do not follow the size limit and formatting rules will be automatically disqualified.


The full name of each author and their respective affiliations must be listed immediately after the abstract title. The format used should follow the example below:

Ex: Lúcia Elvira Alvares (1), Anderson Teixeira Santos (2).

(1) Department of Biochemistry and Tissue Biology, University of Campinas - UNICAMP, Campinas - SP, Brazil.

(2) Leopoldo de Meis Institute of Medical Biochemistry, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brazil.


The name and address of the presenting author must be underlined, together with his institutional email. The author registered as the presenter will be considered for correspondence.

ATTENTION: Before sending the abstract, the correspondence author must register with SBBMusc.

The summary should contain concise descriptions of the following topics:

a) Introduction: Explain the importance of the study and describe the aims of the research; if relevant, explain which hypothesis is being tested.

b) Aims: Mention the research aims clearly.

c) Material and Methods: Describe the study design, statistical analysis performed, mention the ethics committee approval number.

d) Results: Describe the results in the clearest and most detailed way possible; include the numerical results and use the appropriate units.

e) Conclusions: Summarize and explain the meaning of the findings presented and mention possible future implications of these results.


All sources of funding must also be declared at the end of the summary.

All participants must submit a video presenting the work, with a duration of 3 to 5 minutes. Such videos will be made available on the YouTube platform, in the “unlisted” category and will be accessible via a link only for the duration of the Symposium. Among these, an evaluation committee will select the highlights for oral presentation. The remaining works will be reproduced and discussed on an online platform, in sessions reserved for this purpose. The period for the submission of the presentation video will be from 19 to 30 April.


IMPORTANT: The organizing committee, for ethical reasons, strongly recommends that the author, before submitting the abstract, informs the other co-authors about the submission of data. Being the responsibility of the same the information to the other listed authors about the acceptance or refusal of the submitted abstract.



The presentation of works at SBBMusc will be made in the format of videos previously recorded by the authors. Below are the guidelines for preparing the videos.


The videos must be uploaded between April 19 and 30, 2021. There will be no evaluation of the videos.


Tips for making videos:

Applications that can be used for video recording:

Visit the platform at:

Orientation / Tutorial at:

Visit the platform at: OR

Download the free version at: Guidance

Tutorial at:

Download the free version at:

Guidance / Tutorial at:

Visit the platform at:

Guidance / Tutorial at: