
Dia 12/05 - Myogenesis

Capucine Trollet -  Sorbonne Université, França

Molecular and cellular actors involved in human muscle regeneration, in muscle ageing and in muscular dystrophies including oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy (OPMD) and Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD).

Simon Hughes - King's College London, Reino Unido

Development and growth of muscle and its links; cardiac growth and repair; zebrafish; mechanobiology, stem cells; aging, neuromuscular interaction, cell biology; evolution.

Cláudia Mermelstein - ICB, UFRJ, Brasil

Dia 13/05 - Muscle regeneration

Susanne Dietrich - University of Portsmouth, Reino Unido

Igor Luchini Batista - Escola de Ciências Aplicadas, UNICAMP, Brasil

Molecular mechanisms and cellular adaptations involved in skeletal muscle regeneration. Understand the ways related to the control of the mitochondrial population and nutrients that can influence the regenerative process.

Leonardo Nogueira - IBqM-LDM - UFRJ, Brasil

Role of Ca2+ and nitric oxide signaling in the contractile, metabolic and regenerative functions of skeletal muscles in different conditions (hypoxia, chronic inflammatory disease and aging).

Peter Currie - ARMI - Monash University, Austrália 

Investigates the genetic basis of skeletal muscle stem cell action during development, evolution, regeneration and disease. Uses the zebrafish as a model organism to understand how skeletal muscle is build and regenerates.  

Dia 14/05: Skeletal muscle mass regulation and plasticity 

Marco Sandri - Università degli Studi di Padova, Itália  GoogleScholar e VIMM

Understand signaling pathways that control protein synthesis and degradation, organelle biogenesis, autophagy, transcriptional regulation and how these systems reverberate from muscles to the entire body for healthy aging.

Luiz Carlos Carvalho Navegantes - Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto - USP - Brasil

​​Physiology, with emphasis on Metabolism, mainly in the following themes: muscle atrophy and hypertrophy, autophagy and signaling mediated by GPCRs.

Robson Francisco Carvalho - Instituto de Biociências - UNESP - CV lattes

Cellular and molecular biology and bioinformatic methods for data mining and big data analysis, mainly in the study of molecular pathways involved in cancer-associated cachexia.

Dra. Patricia Chakur Brum  - Escola de Educação Física e Esportes da USP- Brasil

Cellular and molecular control of skeletal and cardiac muscle function and remodeling in physical training in heart failure and cancer.

Dia 15/05: Pathologies and myopathies

Dr. Vincent Mouly - Sorbonne Université, França

Dr.  Daniel Adesse  -  Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Brasil

Julio Cesar Batista Ferreira - ICB, USP, Brasil

Role of mitochondria as intracellular nodules that regulate function, morphology and life /death decision in somatic and progenitor cells. It uses different molecular, biochemical and physiological approaches to discover new targets related to mitochondria that affect cell biology.

Dean J Burkin  -  University of Nevada, EUA 

Translational research identifying novel therapies for children with muscular dystrophy. Role of extracellular matrix and integrin signaling in muscle development and disease.