
Flavia F. Bloise, UFRJ 

CV Lattes - ORCID

1) Interaction between thyroid hormones, myogenesis and muscle aging.

2) Relationship between inflammation and skeletal muscle physiology. 

Dawit A. P. Gonçalves, UFMG 

CV Lattes

1) Adrenergic signaling to control muscle mass and function

2) Physiology and Biochemistry of exercise in extreme environments (heat and cold)  

Cláudia Mermelstein, UFRJ

CV Lattes 

1) Wnt / beta-catenin signaling in myogenesis

2) Calpain in muscle differentiation and in dystrophies

Manoel Luis Costa, UFRJ 

CV Lattes

Myogenesis, adhesion and cytoskeleton, signaling pathways, zebrafish

Iranaia Assunção Miranda, UFRJ 

CV Lattes

Virus-cell interaction

Anselmo Moriscot, USP

CV Lattes

1) Control of muscle mass;

2) Regeneration

Anderson T. Santos, UFRJ 

CV Lattes

1) Effects of chemical chaperones on cell differentiation and oxygen consumption in myoblasts;

2) Mitochondrial muscle physiology.

Arnon Jurberg, UFRJ e IDOMED/UNESA

CV Lattes

Control of cellular fate of skeletal muscle stem cells

Lúcia Elvira Alvares, UNICAMP

CV Lattes

Study of the expression, function and regulation of genes involved in skeletal myogenesis

Flávia A. Guarnier, UEL

CV Lattes  - ORCID

1) Pathophysiology of muscle adaptations

2) Mechanisms of muscle mass loss and recovery in cachexia syndrome 

Leonardo Matta, Hemholtz-IDC

CV Lattes  - ORCID

1) Role of the ubiquitin-proteasome system on muscle remodeling in response to exercise and in cancer cachexia 

Igor Luchini Baptista, UNICAMP

CV Lattes  - ORCID

1) Molecular mechanisms and cellular adaptations involved in skeletal muscle regeneration.

2) Mitochondrial population control and how nutrients can influence the regenerative process. 

Danilo Lustrino Borges, UFS

CV Lattes  - ORCID

1) Role of hypothalamic peptides in the regulation of skeletal muscle mass;

2) Control of performance and muscle mass in an animal model of fibromyalgia. 

Flavia Graça Zuanazzi, St. Jude Research Children's Hospital

CV Lattes  - ORCID

1) Dissect the role of proteostasis during the aging process.

2) Understand how the skeletal muscle communicates with the central nervous system in aging and also in neurodegenerative diseases.