Frequently Asked Questions

01. How do I sign up for SBBMusc?

The registration will be done by online form. Click here for more information.

02. Can I register during SBBMusc?

No, the registration will only take place until 05/18/2021.

03.  Why there is no presentation of works in this edition?

SBBMusc will have annual editions, but in even years we will have a simplified schedule, suppressing the submission and presentation of works, keeping the lectures of national and international researchers. In odd years, we will have the extended version, honoring the presentation of works and awards!

04. Even without submitting an abstract, do I have to register to participate in the Symposium?

Registration is mandatory for all who wish to obtain a certificate of participation. However, non-registered people will be able to watch the event broadcast on Youtube as a listener.

05. Even without submission of abstracts works, will I still receive a certificate?

Yes, all registrants will receive certificates of participation.

06. How do I get my certificate?

Participation certificates will be sent to the email registered at the time of registration.

07. How do I contact the organizing committee?

Through our social networks or e-mail:

08Will listeners receive certificates?

No, the talks will be streamed on YouTube of the event, open to the public, but certificates will only be sent to registered participants.

09. Can I register during the symposium?

No, registrations only go until the 05/18/22.

10. If I am currently unaffiliated, can I register for the symposium?

Yes, in the affiliation field enter: "no affiliation".