
WJEC GCE Spanish

This course is designed to encourage students to develop an interest in, and enthusiasm for, language; develop an understanding of the language in a variety of contexts and genres; communicate confidently, clearly and effectively in the language for a range of purposes; develop awareness and understanding of the contemporary society, cultural background and heritage of countries or communities where the language is spoken. In addition to developing your language skills and extending the vocabulary and grammar which you have already learned at GCSE, you will extend your knowledge about Spanish and Spanish speaking countries. It is expected that students will have previously learnt Spanish to GCSE level or equivalent.

The course will require students to

  • listen and respond to a variety of spoken sources, including authentic sources

  • use the language to accurately express facts and ideas, viewpoints, develop arguments, analyse and evaluate, in speech and writing

  • read and respond to a variety of written texts, including authentic sources, covering different contexts, registers, styles and genres

  • adapt spoken and written language appropriately for different situations and purposes

  • understand and apply the grammatical system and a range of structures

  • study aspects of the contemporary society, cultural background and heritage of one or more of the countries or communities whose language is being studied

Summary Assessment

AS Unit 1 - (12%) Speaking - Oral Examination

AS Unit 2 - (28%) Listening, reading, translation into English and critical response in writing to the film - Examination

A2 Unit 3 - (18%) Speaking: Independent research project - Oral Examination

A2 Unit 4 - (30%) Listening, reading and translation into Spanish - Examination

A2 Unit 5 - (12%) Critical and analytical response in writing to a book - Examination

Course Leader: Mr G Evans

40% of students achieved a grade A* in the 2021/22 examination series

Higher Education Opportunities

To study Spanish you must have a genuine interest in learning the language, with a desire to listen, read and surf the net in Spanish of course! An interest in Europe and what is going on in the world and an interest in developing and discussing opinions and points of view is essential.

Career Opportunities

Languages can be used in a range of careers in marketing, law, engineering, retailing and leisure and tourism. Spanish combines very well with ICT skills and can be an asset in your future career.