Advanced Skills Baccalaureate Wales

Advanced Skills Baccalaureate Wales (Welsh Baccalaureate)

The central focus of the Baccalaureate at Advanced level is to provide a vehicle for level 3 learners to consolidate and progress the development of essential and employability skills. The qualification will help learners develop more complex skills, attributes and behaviours. It will provide experiences which will enable learners to be better prepared for their future destination, whether university, further training, or employment. The Skills Challenge will encourage the learner to value skills development as a key aspect of education and life-long learning. Offering a learning experience relevant to the needs and demands of the workplace will develop learners’ confidence, drive and initiative, preparing them to enter, succeed and progress in the world of work.

Presently the Advanced Welsh Baccalaureate Qualification, due for roll out in September 2023, is being revised. It will now consist of three challenges:

  • Global Community Project (25%)

  • Future Destinations Project (25%)

  • Individual Project (50%)

The new award will no longer require students to have a grade C in GCSE English Language and GCSE Mathematics/Numeracy to achieve the qualification. It will be a stand alone quaification.

All students are required to study the Advanced Skills Baccalaureate alongside their subject choices