
WJEC GCE Biology

The study of Biology provides students with an insight into the living world. The wide breadth of topics includes understanding of the internal workings of organisms in physiology and the interdependence of living things in ecology, social issues including human influence on the environment and the ethical considerations of genetics. An investigative approach is promoted throughout the course, developing practical skills as well as an understanding of the scientific method. Through this practical work, students will develop an enquiring and critical approach that is applicable to their own data, the work of others and information available in the subject of Biology and beyond.

The course will require students to

Summary Assessment 

AS Unit 1 - (20%) Basic Biochemistry and Cell Organisation - Examination 

AS Unit 2 - (20%) Biodiversity and Physiology of Body Systems - Examination 

A2 Unit 3 - (25%) Energy, Homeostasis and the Environment - Examination 

A2 Unit 4 - (25%) Variation, Inheritance and Options - Examination 

A2 Unit 5 - (10%) Practical Examination 

Course Leader: Miss J Simon

63% of students achieved a grade A*/A in the 2021/22 examination series for Biology

Career Opportunities 

The Biology course builds on skills, knowledge and understanding students will have already gained through their study of Biology at GCSE. The content taught and styles of learning provide an excellent transition into study of a biological science course in further education, including biomedical science, nutrition, animal science, medicine, biochemistry, pharmacy, forensic science and many more. The qualification will also particularly complement qualifications in Chemistry, Physics, Psychology, Mathematics or Sport as well as demonstrating to higher education establishments and future employers an ability to understand and critically analyse a range of information.