
Careers after Sixth Form

Are you thinking about what subjects to take at A level? We can help you with this important decision.

Coming soon! During your year 11 REACH lessons you will be logging into Unifrog and using the careers and subject libraries available to help you make important decisions about your future. There is a lot of guidance available on here for you to discover jobs linked to your interests and find guidance on the pathways into different careers.

Remember, the subjects you choose and grades you get at A Level may affect:

Please do your research and look at what subjects universities will expect you to complete for the courses they offer. Likewise different apprenticeships require different combinations of subject to have been studied.

Have a look at some of the A level subject related careers below.......

Careers Wales Advisor:

For more information about careers, please contact Linda Palmer who is Hawarden High School's Career Advisor. She will organise a meeting for you to discuss career pathways and options

