Unit 1 Teacher

Clarity Calendar

In Algebra 2, students analyze and apply operations using multiple representations of functions to compare, interpret data, and make inferences.  Functions include (but not limited to) linear, exponential, quadratic, absolute value, inverse,  piecewise, cubic, polynomial, trigonometric, logarithms, etc.  They use statistics in real world contexts to develop solutions.  

How to Use this Page

Click the video to see an overview of how to use this page and its resources.

Clarity Calendars

Suitable for copying and pasting to create your own personalized instructional plan.

Unit 1 Teacher Clarity Calendar

Choose days from this calender and use them to customize your own calendar!

Available days include Claim 1, Claim 4, Assessments & Discretionary Days.

My/Our Personalized Calendar

Sequence days from Claim 1, Claim 4, Assessments & Discretionary Days 

to create a shared PLC calendar and/or your own individualized calendar.

Questions?  Feedback?

Reach out to a site coach or the district secondary math TOSA.