Course Description


Prerequisite: 10th - 12th grade students must submit an application to be eligible to register for this course.

Credit: 1 

A leadership course at Pisgah High School will offer many opportunities for students that want to sharpen their leadership skills.  Leadership skills learned in this course will allow students to become better and more active leaders in their school and community.  Students will be chosen for this course through an application and recommendation process.  This class will focus on hands-on projects to improve our school and community. Students will be taught methods to improve time management and planning, which will be crucial to complete long term projects within the class block and semester. During the course students will be required to:


Credit:  1 elective credit

Prerequisite:  Placed in ML program, Access scores, teacher/admin approval

CA:  9th – 12th

ESL is a class for learners of the English language. Students are usually placed in this course according to their proficiency in English. Traditionally, students with 3 years or less of English language exposure in schools are placed. Exceptions occur. 

The class consists of learning English vocabulary and grammar, reading comprehension, speaking and writing activities. Additionally, the course provides curriculum assistance for the students’ other core/elective subjects


Credit:  1 elective credit

Prerequisite:  None

CA:  9th – 12th

Strategies is designed to address the diverse learning needs of students. NCSCOS, transition services, career education and social skills will be supported. Individual learning needs and required modifications and accommodations of students in reading, writing, math and vocabulary will be emphasized.


Credit: 1 elective unit

Prerequisite:  None

CA:  12th

Peer Tutoring consists of assisting in our Exceptional Children’s program, participating as a Unified Sports partner/Special Olympics Volunteer, and providing services as needed and determined by the Intensive Intervention EC teacher.