Getting Involved

There's no better way to meet people and learn more about the college than by getting involved.

Blue Zone

Blue Zones Project is a community-wide well-being improvement initiative to help make healthy choices easier in Hawaii.

The Hawai‘i Medical Service Association (HMSA) has brought Blue Zones Project® to Hawai‘i to transform our state into an even better place to live, work, and play. To reach that goal, we'll help residents make small changes so we can all enjoy longer, happier, and healthier lives. Small changes can lead to big benefits for our community: lower health care costs, higher productivity, and ultimately, a better quality of life. We look forward to working together with organizations, communities, and people across the state to make well-being a priority.

Campus Committees

Please consider volunteering to serve on one of our standing campus committees. The college could not function without the help and participation from everyone on campus. We're sure you can find a committee that suits your interests and talents. For a description of the various standing committees, please take a look at the Committee Handbook. Committee sign-ups normally occur in April/May of each year, but committees may solicit members during the year via campus email.

Other ad-hoc (limited term) committees and task forces may be created to tackle special issues. These may not be listed in the Committee Handbook, and members will usually be recruited via campus email.


The interests of students, faculty, and staff are represented by three separate and equally important bodies that participate in the shared governance [PDF] of the college. You can get involved by participating in these governance bodies:

    • Academic Senate (BOR-appointed instructional and non-instructional faculty covered by Collective Bargaining Unit 7)

    • College Council (College-wide organization with representatives from all major campus constituencies)

Hawai‘i CC Faculty/Staff Development

The Hawai‘i CC Faculty/Staff Development committee coordinates and develops professional development and personal enrichment opportunities to help create a campus culture that emphasizes continuous learning and growth; to create opportunities for faculty and staff develop their skills to further their careers; and to build unity and familiarity across the campus. If you have a special interest, skill or talent that you would like to share with the college, please contact the committee.

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