
Welcome to Hawai‘i Community College!

Just started your career here at Hawai‘i CC? Welcome to our kauhale.

We’re really glad you’re here! Whether you are new to the University of Hawai‘i system, new to Hawai‘i CC, or if you have been here a while but would like to review specific information about your employment here at Hawai‘i Community College (Hawai‘i CC), our goal for this website is to introduce you to important people and services and hopefully address many of questions you might have! The website is updated annually, and the most current version can always be accessed on the Faculty/Staff Resources page of our website, under Professional Development.

If you're a brand new employee, we recommend you can click through the links below or use the New Employee Checklist as a guide as you go through the sections below. Be sure to explore each section for complete information, and check off the items as you go through them. Your supervisor, orientation guide, and/or the Human Resources staff can also help you with specific items, so don’t hesitate to ask questions….lots of them!