About the Director
Ms. Nicole Schmidt has been directing at Hancock High School since the Fall of 2008. She said that since she was little, she liked playing make believe. "In high school I really enjoyed theater. I majored in it in college. My high school director inspired me to direct."
Looking back at all the shows she's directed here she notes that her favorite plays we’ve done have been “That’s Not How I Remember It” in the fall of 2014. "We kept jumping back and forth in time," said Ms. Schmidt.
“Penny for Your Thoughts” in 2016 was one of her favorites as well because they had 5 characters that were inside the head of the main character.
“Superhero Sanitarium” was performed in 2011 and the cast of 2018 liked the show so much, they reproduced it in 2018.
Also in 2018 “Her Senior Year” was a show they took to competition and won 2nd at sub-sections. It's special because that was the first show that the school has moved on to sections with.
By Nevaeh Birr