Ms. Schmidt's Webpage
Sat. March 29, 2025!
On Saturday, March 29, 2025 Hancock Band, Choir, and Theater will be attending Chanhassen Dinner Theater's production of Grease!
To reserve your seat, turn in permission slip by
Seniors: Tuesday, 9/24
Juniors: Wednesday, 9/25
Sophomores: Thursday, 9/26
Freshmen: Friday, 9/27
From Chanhassen Website: Grease contains mature situations and language similar to that of a PG-13 movie. For specific information about content, please contact the Box Office. 952-934-1525.
Thank you to the Hancock Foundation for helping Hancock students see Beautiful, Carol King Musical on Sat. April 6, 2024
If you would like to order a book from Scholastic for your child, my classroom code is: LM4PF
-After logging into:
-Scroll down a little and Click on: Connect to your teacher. Then enter code: LM4PF
-Click on my name, set up an account if you haven't already, and shop away.
After you complete your order, please send me an email so I can go in and finalize the order.
Ms. Schmidt’s Remind App Codes: To receive text message from and be able to text Ms. Schmidt regarding theater
Text the following code to: 81010
Text the following message:
Theater Announcements: @theater320
2026 National Trip Announcements: @dcnytrip26
READ! It's beneficial to read a little every day!!!
Students are doing an ongoing school service project collecting pop can tabs for the Ronald McDonald House. You can turn pop tabs in to Ms. Schmidt or Mrs. Burnett.
I am still on the lookout for unique pieces to add to our theater department. We can always use interesting clothes and items that can be used as props.
Please, if you do have anything to donate to the Theater department, ask me if we could use it. Please do not just drop items off at school, we do not have much storage space. Thank you so much!
"Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself." - John Dewey
Homework will be posted on the board in the English Classroom. It is also available in each class's Google Classroom and most accurate on this website here under the tab marked Class Schedules. Make sure you write down your assignments everyday! An assignment notebook is recommended for every student to use.
If a student has been or will be gone for an extended period of time, please see me before school, after school, during my prep, or during your English class time to get the assignments you missed.
Emailing me questions is the best way to reach me during the day: You may also call me at the school at 320-392-5621 or reach me by the Remind App information above.
It is also a good idea for students to reach out to classmates to see what they missed in all of their classes.
If a student turns in work late without a reasonable excuse or absence, they will receive reduced credit.
If a student is having a problem with an assignment, see me for help between 8:00 am - 8:20 am, during my prep 7th hour, or after school. If these do not work we can set something else up - I am flexible with time and willing to come into school earlier or stay later if necessary. Please contact me.
Catch Up Club is available for students 4-12th grade in the Math and English room from 3:15-5pm every Wednesday. Help is offered for all classes.
AskMN - Scholarly Journal & Article
Class Supply List
Your Textbook, Grammar book, or Class Novel
A Big Notebook just for this class
A Folder
A Writing Utensil
Assignment Notebook
A 3 Ring Binder to keep all English items in (optional)
A free time reading novel
Your Brain!
Ms. Schmidt’s Google Classroom Codes:
Log into Google Classrooms and add a class to join.
7th Grade: 64zr3ux
10th Grade: xmxmtla
11th Grade: ejq7svv
12th Grade: awmvssg
Advisee Class of 2029: njv3343
Below is Hancock Public School's Grading Scale for 7-12 Grades.
A 96-100
A- 94-95
B+ 92-93
B 89-91
B- 87-88
C+ 85-86
C 82-84
C- 80-81
D+ 78-79
D 76-77
D- 74-75
F 0-73