Office of College Advancement

Office of College Advancement has developed a contact list which can be accessed here.

Communications Hub Training Scheduled for Fall

Are you a new HACC employee? Do you have questions about how to use the communications hub?

HACC employees are invited to attend a training on the communications hub on Oct. 14 from 3-3:30 p.m. The training will be conducted via Zoom.

The session will include a demonstration of how to submit a communications hub request, expectations for working with the Integrated Marketing Communications Department and time for Q&A.

Please click here to access the training on Oct. 14. If you have any questions, please email

Show YOUR Support of HACC Graduates and the Alumni Association

The HACC Alumni Association is looking for brief videos of alumni:

  • Congratulating students graduating in December 2020

  • Welcoming HACC’s new graduates to our Alumni Association

  • Sharing benefits of HACC’s Alumni Association

It will only take a few minutes to share your message and show that you’re #HACCproud of our graduates and HACC’s Alumni Association.

Please upload your videos using a brief online form.

If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact us at

HACC Foundation Pivots to Help Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic

The HACC Foundation quickly shifted our priorities to help our students during the global coronavirus pandemic.

Please watch this brief video to see why we are #HACCproud of the HACC Foundation.

HACC Foundation Makes a Difference

The HACC Foundation recently provided funding for key projects at HACC, Central Pennsylvania’s Community College.

The HACC Foundation approved more than $26,000 for projects at the College. This funding is made possible through generous contributions from individual and organizational donors.

To read the full story, please visit our online newsroom.

HACC Joins the #GivingTuesday Movement Dec. 1, 2020!

We are proud to announce that HACC will be participating in this year’s #GivingTuesday!

What is #GivingTuesday?

#GivingTuesday is a global day of giving occurring the Tuesday following Thanksgiving as a way to kick off the giving season. This year, #GivingTuesday is Dec. 1.

Please give a gift of any amount on Dec. 1.

The money raised on #GivingTuesday will support and benefit HACC students and our community. Please help us to continue creating opportunities and transforming lives to shape the future - TOGETHER.

Please mark your calendar and visit for more information.

Save the date - 2020 Extraordinary Give

On Nov. 20, HACC will be participating in the 2020 Extraordinary Give, an online day of giving to benefit Lancaster County residents.

All contributions donated to the HACC Foundation will help HACC students in Lancaster County remove financial barriers and achieve their education goals.

We invite you to partner with us to change the lives of our students.

HACC Alumni Now 100,000 Strong

HACC alumni make up one of the largest networks in Central Pennsylvania, and proud alumni span the globe! Now, HACC alumni are officially over 100,000 strong. #HACCproud!

To learn more about the HACC Alumni Association, please visit

WE NEED YOUR HELP: Support HACC Students Struggling With Hunger

Imagine the following scenarios:

  • Trying to focus on earning your education toward a brighter future while constantly being interrupted by distracting hunger pangs

  • Being unsure of where your next meal will come from

  • Dealing with the stress of how to feed yourself and your family with only a few dollars

Everyone deserves to greet a new day without the fear of food insecurity hanging over them.

The global coronavirus pandemic has gravely impacted HACC students. Students are facing heartbreaking hurdles related to their basic needs. We need your help to end their hunger.

Please visit to learn more and make YOUR gift today. Thank you!

Looking Back on a Stellar Year for the Office of College Advancement!

The OCA team had a banner year in 2019-20. Because of our hard work, our students and colleagues now have more financial resources in the HACC Foundation and more people know all that HACC has to offer.

To learn more about our team’s accomplishments last year, please read our year in review: