September 21: Journal Entry #5

1). I don't know what tactics are utilized by individuals seeking to indoctrinate others into their social, religious, or political movements.

2). I don't know what groups of people are susceptible to indoctrination.

3). I don't know how political indoctrinators come into contact with, or identify individuals who could be brought into the fold of their movement.

4). I don't know how we could combat political indoctrination in our communities. 

5). I don't know if political indoctrination, as a tactic to attract individuals into political movements, is inherently immoral. 

6). I don't what could be considered acts of political indoctrination (I'm very aware of the fact that the armed services of the United States have sponsored several pieces of media that could attract individuals to their ranks; could this be considered an act of indoctrination?).

7). I don't know what political movements utilize indoctrination.

8). I don't know how artificial intelligence reacts to indoctrination.

9). I don't know what philosophical concepts or movements influence political indoctrination.

10). I don't know how human nature (in the context of my interpretation) relates to political indoctrination. 

Following a great deal of deliberation, I've come to the conclusion that I ought to begin my research into political indoctrination & human nature by examining the tactics utilized by those seeking to indoctrinate others into their movement. This will enable me to establish a foundation of essential, and general knowledge that I could build off into esoteric questions or concepts; one of these later questions could be 'how does artificial intelligence react, or respond to political indoctrination? However, I must acknowledge the fact that this question is extremely large, and as a result difficult to grapple with. Nevertheless, it is fundamental to research, and I will be unable to inquire into any further question(s) if I do not address this question.