February 8th: Journal Entry #15

In the coming month I intend to explore the question of, "what kind of person is the most susceptible to indoctrination?" I will do this by firstly exploring what traits influence an individual's response to indoctrination, and then creating a profile of an individual who is susceptible to indoctrination, and how they may be brought into the fold of an extremist movement. I inverterly explored certain traits that make individuals disposed to indoctrination in some of my earlier posts and assignments, particularly within my first SDA which outlined the significance of community oriented indoctrination. That is, indoctrination which bases itself in its capacity to provide a community for its subject. However, if a subject possesses a community prior to the process of indoctrination, this method becomes completely inept due to the absence of an appeal. Thus, one ought to come to the logical conclusion that lonely individuals are extremely susceptible to this form of indoctrination.

 In order to examine the significance of loneliness, and other such traits when considering the susceptibility of an individual to indoctrination, I plan on creating a profile of an individual (who posses such traits) over the course of a video. I am particularly familiar with the format of videos, and as a result I feel that I will be able to create a quality product. In short, the product I have in mind is a video; this video will recount the journey of a *hypothetical individual who is extremely susceptible to indoctrination, and their subsequent indoctrination. I suppose that this element of my video will take both a degree of creativity, and research. Creativity in the sense that I will have to create this story; however, if I am to create a compelling story I will have to identify what kind of traits make people more susceptible to indoctrination, and by extension which traits my hypothetical character will possess. This will be in the documentary SDA format.