February 15th: Journal Entry #16

In this SDA I plan on improving upon the creativity aspect of the five "Cs." Previously, a great deal of my work lacked story telling, something that I intend to improve on in this coming, documentary style, SDA. I chose the documentary SDA format because I'm familiar with the art of video production, and I hope to lean more into the informative aspect of this SDA. I want to flesh out my SDA like a story, first I want to detail the story of someone who experienced indoctrination, and why they experienced this said indoctrination. Through this, I hope to create a profile of someone who is susceptible to indoctrination. I am already beginning to formulate an understanding of someone who is particularly susceptible to indoctrination; this individual, often, carries traits characteristic of individuals who are colloquially known as "incels." Incels are, collectively, a group of individuals characterized by extreme feelings of loneliness and nihilism. In turn, they often develop extreme political, social, and religious reservations due to two reasons. Firstly, extremist groups often create communities within their organizations, thus addressing the loneliness common within incels. Secondly, these extremist organizations address the question of nihilism by giving their members meaning within their lives; surely, the feeling of being apart of something greater than yourself must award some level of meaning. 

Two sources I plan on incorporating into my SDA is Christian Picciolini TedX Talk titled "my descent into America's neo-Nazi movement & how I got out" along with Incels, violence and mental disorder: a narrative review with recommendations for best practice in risk assessment and clinical intervention" by Cambridge Univeristy.