November 28th: Journal Entry #14

The podcast I created for this month in EMC was my work, and my work alone; as in, I did not have the luxury of a partner. This was simultaneously a benefit, and a detriment. In terms of the benefit, it enabled me to make decisions quickly, and as a result I was able to experiment with my SDA. However, due to a lack of input from a partner during the process of creation, I feel that I missed the opportunity to enrich my podcast to a higher degree. In regards to time attention & management, I feel that I could've done a better job. I found myself rushing to complete this SDA due to poor time management, and I've noticed that this has been a reoccurring issue. In the future I intend to address this issue by managing my time in blocks, each being allocated to a certain subject. 

I think that many of the issues with my SDA stem from the fact that I didn't allocate enough time to edit the product to a state that I could be proud of, and as a result there are several issues with this SDA. However, I think that the 'meat' of the SDA still holds up against scrutiny; that is, I think I explored my essential question in a productive manner.