October 19th: Journal Entry #7

My previous SDA addressed my original essential questions of "what tactics are utilized by those seeking to indoctrinate others into their movement?" My findings can be found in the "Assignments" section; however, I will provide a brief description of my findings. Individuals seeking to indoctrinate others into their movement(s) often implement themes of community within their propaganda, and this is due to the fact that humans are social creatures with a natural desire to form, and participate within communities. Furthermore, political indoctrinators make a conscious effort to develop a sense of community within their ranks which works to ensnare pre-existing members, and attract new members. However, I need to know which groups of people are susceptible to indoctrination. 

Three sub-questions I have which relate to my new essential question are as follows: how do political indoctrinators come into contact with new members? What role does the internet play in indoctrination? Are people who have been, historically speaking, deprived of a sense of community more susceptible to indoctrination.