September 14: Journal entry #4


I am looking to investigate how the C.I.A has interfered with the affairs of postcolonial Africa. I think I know that a Large part of Africa is being led by politicians who are practically western puppets. I think that these politicians were placed into these positions because the west wanted an easier time accessing Africa's resources. I have heard that the west often competes with the east (China, Russia, etc.) by trying to secure resources and depriving the east of said resources. This might have been the cause of a number of proxy wars which probably caused a great deal of suffering for the local populations. I think that as geopolitical tensions rise so will the amount of operations performed by foreign intelligence agencies. I think that the CIA mainly operates around western Africa and north Africa. I also think that the CIA often works in conjunction with other western intelligence agencies such as MI6 and the DGE.

I know I know that Africa is very rich in natural resources (, but oftentimes African countries are in a sense robbed of these resources by western corporations who pay very little if anything to these countries in return for their resources ( I know I know that the CIA and other western intelligence agencies often install puppet politicians into these countries and aid them to coup the standing government, one example of this was in Libya during the year 2014 ( With all that being said I really don't know a lot about this topic, and in the coming months I hope to gain a deeper understanding of the issues facing Africa today that are being caused by the west.