March 2: Journal Entry #18

The three professionals I hope to interview for this coming assignment are as follows, Asli Peker of NYU, John Fousek of NYU, and Alexandra Blackman of Cornell University. Asli Peker is an associate program director for NYU, she has studied she geopolitics at length with a focus on the middle east. I think by reaching out to her I may be able to expand my research beyond just Africa, I could potentially incorporate other regions which have been influenced by the western world such as the middle east. The second individual who I plan on contacting is John Fousek. Mr. Fousek is a interim program director and clinical professor for NYU who has written "To Lead the Free World: American Nationalism and the Cultural Roots of the Cold War." Mr Fousek has specialized himself in cold war related studies which would make him a very interesting individual to interview considering I studied the cold war earlier in my research. I think by interviewing him I could get a better understanding of the Cold War which could aid my future research into this topic. The last individual I plan on contacting is Alexandra Blackman. Much like Asli Peker Mrs. Blackman has researched the middle east, to be more exact "the role of foreign and transnational forces in the region." I think that by contacting Mrs. Blackman I would be able to expand the scope of my research, and perhaps gain a better understanding of how the west goes about influencing third world states. I found these individuals by looking for geopolitical professors in NY state. In regards to contacting these individuals I will likely email them due to the simple fact that I feel like I would stammer to such a degree that my words would be unintelligible from one another.