August 10:Journal entry #1


Hello, my name is Momin and this will be my first year taking EMC. This coming year I will be a sophomore ( still feels somewhat odd to be saying that ) and will be attending classes such as honors English and corporate law. A few extracurriculars that I am planning on committing myself to this coming school year are clubs like civil conversations club, along with a few of the school sports programs such as the cross country team and the wrestling team. A few activities that take up my schedule outside of school are my hobbies, my volunteer work at Sunnyview rehabilitation center, my job as a Sunday school teacher at the local mosque, and of course my responsibilities at home such as babysitting my younger siblings. A few things I like to do for fun are hanging out with my friends, learning about things that interest me such as ancient history, and reading although as of late I haven't been reading nearly as much as I should, playing chess, and cooking although I'm not too good at it. An interesting fact about me that many would be surprised to know is that I’m half Russian. My dad was born in Volgograd where his side of the family had resided for generations. Something that I would like to work on this coming school year is my tendency to procrastinate when it comes to my academic endeavors. Thank you for taking the time to read my first journal entry.