November 2: Journal Entry #9

My next need to know is, why is the CIA operating in Africa? I think that this falls into the knowledge section of HOTQS. I think that this falls into the knowledge section of HOTQS due to a number of reasons. The first reason I think that my essential question falls into the knowledge section of HOTQS is due to my essential question not fitting to well into any other category of HOTQS, for example the analysis section or the application section. The second reason I believe my essential question fits really well into the knowledge section of HOTQS is due to the fact that the beginning of my essential question is a example on the HOTQS knowledge section, "Why did...?" In regards to my sub-questions I think that my first sub-question, was there a specific event that made it so the CIA found it necessary to operate in Africa, would fall into the comprehension section of HOTQS. I think that this sub-question would fall into the knowledge section of HOTQS because I would be expanding my understanding of the CIA's presence in Africa during my inquiry into this sub-question. I think that my second sub-question, did European colonization play a part in the CIA's presence in Africa, would fall into the analysis section of HOTQS because I would be analyzing how past events have effect more recent events in history. I think my final sub-question, did the CIA operate in Africa for western geopolitical interests, would fit really well into the comprehension section of HOTQS due to me having to use the knowledge I would find during my inquiry into this topic to point to a main idea or point. My essential question and my need to know(s) have not changed as a result of me analyzing them using HOTQS, I think this is because I had chosen my questions quite carefully, and had put a lot of thought into crafting them.

After much deliberation and consideration I have come to the decision that the best sub-question to help me further my understanding of my essential question is, was there a specific event that made it so the CIA found it necessary to operate in Africa? inquiring into this sub-question will aid me in my pursuit of answering my essential question because it would help me to form a chronology of the events that transpired between the beginning of the CIA's presence in Africa, and today while also giving me a understanding of why these events occurred. Some of the resources I will be using during my inquiry into this sub-question are,

“The Cold War.” National Archives and Records Administration, National Archives and Records Administration,

“Writing Anthology.” Central College, africa/#:~:text=The%20effects%20of%20the%20Cold,hindered%3B%20independence%20was%20often%20delayed.

Byers , Mary. “Establishment of the Central Intelligence Agency and Its Vital Role in the Cold War Era .” Digitalcommons, 2010,