February 27: Journal Entry #17 Midterm Reflection


Prior to this SDA I had seldom used databases to research topics, and as a result I had very little experience reading scholarly articles. More often than not I utilized search engines like Google which can be inconsistent in their results. But by utilizing databases such as Gale Power Search during my research process for this SDA I was able to find articles that were both reliable and informative, however the process of reading these articles, scholarly articles, was substantially different from the articles I was accustomed to reading. Scholarly articles not only contain more information, but they also read differently; this aspect of scholarly was initially challenging, but I grew accustomed to this style of writing quickly. Being limited to scholarly articles initially felt like a hindrance because I had, up until a few months ago, used search engines exclusively, but by being forced to utilize databases, and thus scholarly articles, I found information far more efficiently which in turn progressed my research. In regards to searching for articles within the databases I found no real issue in spite of my seemingly esoteric research topic, I think this was because I had initially discovered that through a process of mixing & matching keywords I was able to get the best results out of the search engine I chose. I didn't find anything particularly striking about scholarly articles apart from the shear amount of information they hold.


I think that the most challenging part of this SDA was editing. Prior to this SDA I had very little experience editing videos, so I had initially had some trouble navigating the editing software I chose. But after some time I was able to attain a comprehensive understanding of the software I chose, and as a result I was able to compose my videos in a way that demonstrated my learning effectively. In regards to how this SDA answered my essential question of " How do western influences on Africa affect the utilization of African resources in the continent" I think it answered the question quite well. My SDA was able to point out how western companies exploited African resources, whilst also providing solutions; the latter being the core of my essential question. Out of the 5Cs (communication, collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, curiosity) I think the strong point of my SDA was Critical thinking due to the fact that I constructed an argument in my SDA which in itself demonstrates critical thinking. The weak point of my SDA was collaboration, my rationale behind this being that I worked exclusively on this SDA. I will carry what I learned from the midterm SDA into my future learning by looking into how eastern companies (Russian, Chinese, etc.) exploit African resources, and if it differs from western companies. 


Over the past few weeks I have found great pride in my ability to edit, and create videos because I have always daydreamed of creating video essays and posting them and Youtube; by acquiring these skills during my SDA I have enabled myself to potentially make these videos in the future. In regards to what my coordinator(s) could be doing differently to aid my research I have no suggestions, I can only provide praise for their ability to foster my curiosity, and aid my research.