December 20: Journal Entry #13

After much consideration I've decided that I will be inquiring about the problem of western countries robbing African countries of their natural resources. After consulting HOTQ's I decided to rephrase my question to "How do western influences on Africa affect the utilization of African resources in the continent, and around the world." I hope to gain understanding of how these influences affect African economies, but more so I hope to find a solution to the problem of African countries being exploited for their resources.

Here is a resource that I will probably be using during my research into this problem & question:

Ibrahim , Mo. “ANNOTATED - Africa's Past Is Not Its Future: How the Continent Can Chart Its Own Course - Copyright Council on Foreign Relations NY Nov/Dec 2022_proquest.” Google Docs, Google, 20 Dec. 2022,

On a less serious note this winter break me and my close family plan on visiting Turkey and Pakistan to visit family. Although I am always excited to visit my homeland of Pakistan, I have a particular excitement for visiting Turkey because I have never visited. I think that experiencing new things, and travelling to new places is a large part of the human experience, but it also provides me with a great deal of fulfillment.