March 9: Journal Entry #19

My essential question for this coming SDA, the interview, will be "How does the exploitation of other developing regions such as the middle east compare to how Africa has been exploited?" My essential question has not changed in any significant way since my last journal post. 

I have so far reached out to several professors and academics that I thought would be suitable & interesting interviewees, to this date two have responded. Both of them were unable to find time in their schedules to allow me to conduct an interview, thus I will not be interviewing them. I have decided, in light of these denials, to contact more professors and writers who could potentially expand my understanding of this field of study in the hopes of receiving an acceptance; fingers crossed.

This coming SDA is far more structured, as in that I have restrictions placed upon me. One of these restrictions is that I must create a podcast. In the past I have created podcasts, note my February 28th SDA, but I am by no means confident in my ability to create them. As a result I will be using the same software I use to create videos, WeVideo, due to my comfort and understanding of the software. I plan on modeling my podcast off of the Sisyphus 55 podcast which is a conversation styled podcast, but unlike the podcast I will have bits and pieces of the podcast in which I, exclusively, will be talking to the audience. During these bits and pieces I will be using the information I compiled during the interview to answer my essential question of "How does the exploitation of other developing regions such as the middle east compare to how Africa has been exploited?"