August 24: Journal entry #3


As you know in the following school year I will be researching how the CIA has influenced and interfered with the affairs of Africa, but why? well to be perfectly honest I know very little about Africa. Be it the geography of the continent or the politics of the nations that reside within, I know very little about the continent, but from the knowledge that I have accumulated over the years (be how little it is), I do know that western powers have for the past few centuries dominated Africa through economics, military occupation, and in recent years through intelligence agencies influencing politics. Now I have answered the first question of why I would want to research Africa, but the question remains of why I chose to research the CIA alongside it. Well to put it bluntly I don't trust the CIA, And I feel that the more I know about the organization, and how they have operated in the past, I may be able to comprehend why I have this inherent distrust of the organization.

A few questions that I already have prepared for further research into this topic are the following, what is the CIA actually and how do they function and operate? I feel that answering this question will create a strong foundation on which I can build more questions in the near future. My second question is, How has the CIA worked in conjunction with other intelligence agencies to meddle in the affairs of Africa? And lastly, why does the CIA interfere and influence Africa in the first place?