Graduation & College Requirements
Graduation & College Requirements
Graduation Requirements - High School Diploma
Graduation Requirements - High School Diploma
Additional Requirements:
220 Credits
Technology Requirement (Met in Full Year 9th Grade Global Studies class)
Post-Secondary Plan Requirement (Fall, 12th Grade)
"a-g" Requirements - College Admission to UC & CSU Schools
"a-g" Requirements - College Admission to UC & CSU Schools
Additional Requirements:
Grades in "a-g" courses must be "C" or higher
Graduation With Honors
Graduation With Honors
Beginning with the Class of 2017, all students achieving a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.5 or above, based on the accumulated transcript at the seventh semester, or the eighth semester second progress report, who have met all the requirements for earning a high school diploma, completed all UC "A-G" coursework, shall be recognized as Honor Graduates.