Lesson 5

Lesson Objectives

  • To make your character move around the screen without moving through the walls of the maze.
  • To add characters that interact with the main character to go to another screen.


If you need any support, send an email to Randel by contacting him below. He will respond as soon as he can.

Contact Email for Randel Playmount


Upcoming Deadlines

29th November 2017

Video commercial submitted (Updated Deadline)

Marketing poster submitted

Letter to parents submitted

Letter to other schools submitted

Exhibition drawing submitted

First draft of game submitted


In this lesson we will focus on how you can prevent your character moving through the walls of your maze.

You will learn about using the IF condition to determine if a character is touching a colour. If the character is touching the colour turn around in the opposite direction.

You will also add new characters to your maze that will link to a factual screen once your main character interacts with it.

Challenge 1

Create your maze and move your character around the screen.

Prevent your character going through the walls.

Challenge 2

Add your your facts characters to the maze.

When your character hits a fact character go to a new screen.

Check out Mr Poth's Game by clicking the image below.

Remember you can open this code and look at the code from this game to see how you can achieve some of the challenges in your game.