Year 4 Lesson 6

Lesson Expectations

  • To create a game about The Highwayman

Play the Highwayman Game

Go to Google Classroom and play the Highwayman game by clicking the link in Google Classroom.

Record your score in Google Classroom.

You can see the poem by clicking the link below.

Click me!

Highwayman Game Challenge

  • Create a new project in Scratch.
  • Create a Maze background
  • Add a character into your maze.
  • Move your character around the maze.
  • Add a question star.
  • Code the question star with a question about the highwayman.
  • Add a Score
  • Duplicate the question star and change the question.
  • Keep duplicating until you have a good amount of questions in your game.



Step 1

Create a Maze using the Background design tools in Scratch.

Use the Rectangle tool to create a border.

Make sure your rectangle is filled and has a border with the same colour.

Make sure your maze is all the same colour.

Step 2

Using loops and the If statements, make your character move around the screen without going through the walls.

Start your character in the same place every time.

Show your character at the beginning of every game.

Step 3

Add a Score Variable.

A variable is something will change throughout your game.

A score is something you will change.

Make sure you set your score to zero when you game starts.