Chemistry 20

The Diversity of Matter and Chemical Bonding

Students will describe the role of modelling, evidence and theory in explaining and understanding the structure, chemical bonding and properties of ionic compounds.

Students will describe the role of modelling, evidence and theory in explaining and understanding the structure, chemical bonding and properties of molecular substances.

Demonstration of a Voltaic Cell

Voltaic Cell Lab


Voltaic Cells - Demonstrate the design and operation of a voltaic cell

From Petrolium to Gasoline - use fractional distillation to separate petroliun into its compounds.

Dissolution of an Ionic Compound and a Molecular Compound

Molecular View of a Solution

Forms of Matter: Gases

Students will explain molecular behaviour, using models of the gaseous state of matter.

Additional Online Resources

Gas Properties Simulation

Matter as Solutions, Acids and Bases

Students will investigate solutions, describing their physical and chemical properties.

Students will describe acidic and basic solutions qualitatively and quantitatively.

Additional Online Resources

Quantitative Relationships in Chemical Change

Students will explain how balanced chemical equations indicate the quantitative relationships between reactants and products involved in chemical changes.

Students will use stoichiometry in quantitative analysis.

Vinegar Titration Lab

Vinegar Titration Lab and Data recording