Fine Arts - CTS

Food Studies

The Science of Cooking

The Science of Food - videos of the science behind food.


Drawing Lesson

Dvolver - movie maker

So you want to work in Movies

Logo Design - 45 rules for creating a great logo.

Design Studies

Homestyler - The fast, easy way to design your dream home. Take the guesswork out of home remodeling projects! Get started by laying out your floor plans and experimenting with real products and colors. By AutoDesk, makers of AutoCAD

AutoCAD 360 - A web based CAD program free 30 day trial. Beta/trial version allows a 30 day trial to create drawings from scratch.

Draw.IO - A good simple drawing tool where you insert objects and modify to suit. Snap, Grid, Rotate, etc. Saves to Google Drive.

TinkerCAD - Free online CAD also by AutoDESK


35 mm open source films

Level UP - a learning game for Photoshop

Design Principles

Colour Scheme Designer

Colour Matters


Creating Effective Poster Presentations

Communicate - effective comminication tips for different forms of media

Infographics - a large list of Inforaphics how too's


Squishy Circuits - learn electronics using conductive and non conductive playdough.

Fritzing - Electronics drawing program.



Google Art Project - like Google Street View for Museums, 51 so far, as well as over 30,000 works of art scanned as high resolution images.

Sistine Chapel - virtual tour of the artwork including Michelangelos " The Creation of Adam"

Art Think - San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Art Glossary, Treasure Hunt.

How Art Made the World

Presentation Tips, Tutorials and Design Guides

Presentation Tips

12 Tips for better Powerpoints - Microsoft Tips

7 Steps to better presentations

Prezi keyboard shortcuts and the Prezi Manual

10 Tips to master Prezi and a Quick Start Guide

Sample Graphics

Infographics - From the Magazine Good

Poster Tips

Creating Effective Poster Presentations

Communicate - effective comminication tips for different forms of media

Infographics - a large list of Inforaphics how too's

Powerpoint Poster - an excellent step by step using MS Office 2010 Powerpoint to create a poster. Includes scree captures and tips. From Eastern Michigan Unversity, a PDF document. PDF Download


Design Principles

Colour Scheme Designer

Colour Matters


Software - Free and Open Source for use on personal devices

PhotoStory - Microsofts Photostory Program

Open Office - a very popular office suite similar to Microsoft Office

LibreOffice - a good free alternative to Microsoft Office

Format Factory - convert files between different formats, eg. mp3 to wav, jpg to gif

Audacity - a multi track audio editor

InkScape - vector drawing

JellyCam - stop motion animation

Paint.Net - photo editor