Biology 30

Nervous and Endocrine Systems

Students will explain how the nervous system controls physiological processes.

Students will explain how the endocrine system contributes to homeostasis.

Additional Online Resources

BiologiX The Thyroid Gland: Waging the Battle for Metabolism This video includes a dramatic portrayal of the function and structure of the thyroid gland and the role of thyroxine in regulating metabolic rate. The program also explores thyroid disorders, such as goiter, hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, and describes techniques for treating these conditions.

Use Your Brain! Research a neurological disorder in order to create a presentation and handout defining what you have discovered.

Reproduction and Development

Students will explain how survival of the human species is ensured through reproduction.

Students will explain how human reproduction is regulated by chemical control systems.

Students will explain how cell differentiation and development in the human organism are regulated by a combination of genetic, endocrine and environmental factors.

Preventable Birth Defects - Bio 30

Students research the effects of a known teratogen on fetal development. They create a pamphlet to inform women about prevention and treatment of various birth defects.

Additional Online Resources

Animal Reproduction Outstanding tutorials and diagrams of the human reproductive system. Shockwave animations, activities and quizzes.

BiologiX Embryonic Development and Differentiation: From Single Cell to Complex Organism This video uses prepared slides and models to describe the events following fertilization of the ovum and explain the different stages of embryonic development. The program also presents theories on the various mechanisms that trigger cell differentiation.

Reproduction Ethics - Students look at reproduction ethics involving two case studies and respond with varying viewpoints.

Cell Division, Genetics and Molecular Biology

Students will describe the processes of mitosis and meiosis.

Students will explain the basic rules and processes associated with the transmission of genetic characteristics.

Students will explain classical genetics at the molecular level.

Additional Online Resources

BiologiX The Human Genome Project Its parameters and potential impacts are described in this video via models that demonstrate the complexity of gene mapping and the process for isolating genes. Video

Genetics Web Lab Directory This is a completely interactive web site that features 15 different labs relating to genetics.

Biotech Inc. Students will complete a webquest and produce a PowerPoint about a biotech company and a genetic disorder..

The Human Genome Project A multimedia educational kit for high school students and the interested public.

Genetic Science Learning Center This site has some great info on DNA replication, transcription, translation and good animations. Stem Cells are also well explained.

Punnett Squares Shockwave animations of Punnett squares. Make your own examples, see some real squares and test yourself.

Cells Alive - Cell Biology, Microbiology, Immunology

The Cell - a freely accessible, easy-to-search, public repository of reviewed and annotated images, videos, and animations of cells

Population and Community Dynamics

Students will describe a community as a composite of populations in which individuals contribute to a gene pool that can change over time.

Students will explain the interaction of individuals in a population with one another and with members of other populations.

Students will explain, in quantitative terms, the change in populations over time.

Hardy-Weinburg Equation Simulation