O Canada

Mathematics 24 - Unit 4 - O Canada

Geographically speaking, Canada is the one of the largest countries in the world. Due to its large size and relatively low population, population densities range from high density communities in major cities to very low densities in rural and northern regions. You will have the opportunity to learn more about Canada and use the statistics and information that you gather about a region of Canada to develop an understanding of the diverse cultural, political and economic features of that region.

In this project you will develop a website portfolio of information on Canada in general and also a focus on a specific region of your choice. You will examine various aspects of your region including its location, physical features, description of the land, natural resources, industries, people, climate, and wildlife. Your portfolio will contain a variety of pictures, maps, information and statistics of a province, territory or region that is of interest to you. You will use your information to "sell" your chosen area to other Canadians or to visitors from other countries. The final product will be a Google Site.


Step One: Brainstorm and Collect

Begin your project with a brainstorming session using Inspiration. Use it to generate a series of questions about Canada in general and the region you have chosen in depth. The questions should be about trends and statistics that can be used to generate charts and graphs. You will use the answers to the questions you generate to collect information, charts, pictures, statistics that you will use in your website.

Sample Questions:

  • How do people in this region earn a living?
  • What type of transportation is used to carry commodities?
  • How are industries affected by geography and/or climate of the region?
  • Is the population of the region increasing or decreasing?
  • Do Canadians spend more money on arts and culture or sporting events?
  • What is the ratio of males to females in Canada?


  • What are the major physical features of the region?
  • What kinds of activities are people involved in for fun and recreation?
  • What is the climate of the region?
  • How does the weather affect the types of economic activities that take place?
  • What natural resources are found in your region?
  • If a hockey game starts at 7 p.m. in Vancouver what time is it in Montreal?


  • How does the use of natural resources affect the natural environment?
  • What types of wildlife and vegetation are features of your region?
  • How does the environment of this region affect the people who live there?
  • How to the people affect the environment of the region
  • What is the life expectancy of males living in my region?

Step Two: Map of Canada

In your website should include:

  • a map of Canada marked with the provinces, territories and capitals
  • a map of the time zones of Canada
  • a distance table including Ottawa and at least five provincial or territorial capitals

Step Three: Get Specific

Describe the province, territory or region that you are focusing on. The website should include:

  • a regional map with at least five major landmarks or points of interest
  • useful general information about the region
  • three sets of statistical information displayed on different types of graphs
  • a description of trends or predictions based on one of the graphs

Alternate Project Brochure

Use the information you have collected to create a tri-fold brochure promoting the region you have chosen. Your brochure should include:

  • a map of Canada with the names of: the provinces, territories; provincial, territorial and federal capitals; and time zones
  • a map of your province or territory
  • five facts about your province or territory that a high school graduate would find appealing
  • three sets of statistical information displayed on different types of graphs (pie, line, bar graphs)
  • a description of any trends displayed in one of the graphs or a prediction based on the data in one of the graphs
  • physical features
  • climate facts for the seasons displayed in at least one graph mode (Excel)
  • natural resources
  • industries/occupations
  • recreational activities
  • ethno-cultural groups of the region
  • three major centers and tourist destinations
  • a slogan to sell your area
  • two or three graphics

Step Four: Presentation

Prepare your website. Make sure everything is organized, easy to read and placed in a logical sequence. Use PowerPoint to create slides of all the elements of your e-portfolio. Use music, text, images, transitions and graphs to convince the audience that the region you have chosen would be a great place to visit, live or invest.