Acceptable Use of Technology

Student Acceptable Use

This section is intended to provide GCS students with guidance of acceptable use of the district's information technology resources, including but not limited to:

  1. The internet, intranet, e-mail, portal;

  2. District assigned computing devices such as personal electronic devices, laptops, desktops and portable storage; and

  3. The District's network and supporting systems and data transmitted by and stored on these systems.

A. Compliance with Copyright Laws

Students are to follow copyright laws at all times. Students should refer all questions regarding copyright concerns to administrators at their school.

B. Filtering and Monitoring Computer Resources

The District takes reasonable precautions by using filtering software to keep inappropriate Internet sites and e-mail out of the classroom. The District strongly adheres to the guidelines set forth by COPPA and CIPA when installing filtering/monitoring software devices on District equipment. The District does not supervise individual e-mail accounts.

  1. The District reserves the right to review any e-mail sent or received using District equipment and e-mail accounts.

  2. Students must adhere to the behavior expectations while using technology and e-mail, including but not limited to those expectations contained in board policy. The District's Behavior Code is Board Policy JCDA.

  3. Technology is constantly changing and evolving. Due to the nature of the Internet, online communications, and evolving technology, the District cannot ensure or guarantee the absolute safety of students during the use of technology, including email and the Internet. Parents and students should contact the school immediately with any concerns related to the use of technology.

C. Prohibited Uses of GCS Resources

Students are prohibited from engaging in the following uses of GCS computer resources:

  1. The use of school computers for commercial purposes.

  2. The use of obscene, bullying, profane, lewd, threatening, disrespectful, or gang related language or symbols.

  3. The bypass or attempt to bypass any of the District's security or content filtering safeguards.

  4. Allowing another person to use the computer under your District login.

  5. Adding, modifying, repairing, reconfiguring or otherwise tampering with any device on the network infrastructure including, but not limited to: wireless network devices, computers, printers, servers, cabling, switches/hubs, routers, etc.

  6. Unauthorized access, overloading, more commonly known as Distributed Denial of Service or Denial of Service, or use, or attempted unauthorized access or use of District information systems.

  7. Destroying or tampering with any computer equipment or software.

  8. The use of any instrument or tool that can be used for "computer hacking" as defined in the South Carolina Computer Crime Act on school property, on any District premise, or run or loaded on any District system

  9. The use of school computers for illegal activities including but not limited to planting viruses, hacking, or attempted unauthorized access to any system.

  10. Violating any state or federal law or regulation, board policy or administrative rule.

D. Agreement of Use

Students, parents and guardians agree that GCS computer equipment must be handled with care and respect.

E. Consequences

Students who violate this administrative rule may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion in accordance with board policy and state and federal law. Suspected criminal activity must be immediately reported to law enforcement.

IV. GCS Internet Safety and Other Terms of Use

A. General Access

In compliance with the Children's Internet Protection Act ("CIPA"), U.S.C. §254 (h), the District uses technological devices designed to filter and block the use of any of the District's computers with Internet access to retrieve or transmit any visual depictions that are categorized as obscene, child pornography, or "harmful to minors" as defined in the CIPA.

  1. Though the District makes reasonable efforts to filter such Internet content, the District cannot warrant the effectiveness of its Internet filtering due to the dynamic nature of the Internet.

  2. Users of a District computer with Internet access may request that the "technology protection measures" be temporarily disabled to conduct bona fide research for another lawful purpose. These requests should be made to ETS with the knowledge of that employee's supervisor.

B. Education, Supervision, and Monitoring

It shall be the responsibility of all District school staff to make a reasonable effort to educate, supervise, and monitor appropriate usage of online computer network access to the Internet in accordance with this administrative rule, CIPA, COPPA, and the Protecting Children in the 21st Century Act.

C. Personal Safety

The following list is considered precautions taken by GCS to ensure the safety of their students, employees, and other individuals.

  1. Students will not post or email personal contact information about themselves or other people unless it is in conjunction with a specific teacher-approved assignment or approved college/career communication.

  2. Students will not agree to meet with someone they have met online without their parent/guardian's approval.

  3. Students will promptly disclose to an administrator, teacher, or other school employee any message they receive that is inappropriate or makes them feel uncomfortable.

  4. Employees will report any concerns related to their use of technology to their immediate supervisor.

D. Expectation of Privacy

Individuals should not have an expectation of privacy in the use of the District's email, systems, or equipment. The District may, for a legitimate reason, perform the following:

  1. Obtain emails sent or received on District email.

  2. Monitor an individual's use on the District's systems.

  3. Confiscate and/or search District-owned software or equipment.

Individuals are prohibited from using any electronic device, including a cell phone, to take pictures, record video/audio, or otherwise capture images of others in bathrooms, locker rooms, and other locations when individual privacy is reasonably expected. Students will be disciplined in accordance with Board Policy JCDA, including up to and including expulsion, for engaging in this conduct. Law enforcement will be contacted if any individual engages in conduct that could potentially be criminal in nature. The District may confiscate and search personal electronic devices in accordance with New Jersey v. T.L.O. and applicable law.