Health Room Services





Medication required during the school day

Parents are required to bring prescription medication to school and provide form MED-1 before any prescription medication may be left at the school. If your child must self-administer medication at school, form MED-2 is required before medication is brought to school.  More detailed forms for anaphylaxis and asthma are available and should be used. A parent may provide written authorization for over-the-counter medication to be kept and administered in the health room using form MED-3.

All Health Services procedures and guidelines and these forms are available at: 

Special Exemption Passes

Health room passes exempting a student from P.E. or granting special privileges due to obvious illness/injury will be issued at the discretion of the school nurse when a written request is submitted by a parent/legal guardian. Passes requested for longer than 3 days must be accompanied by a written physician request.

The following are various things that should be handled between classes and not during classes, and these reasons will not excuse tardiness. A note to class will not be given by the nurse for:   Band-Aids , Alcohol for piercings, Broken shoe straps. Lingering in the health room is not allowed. Students will be sent back to class unless they are sick enough to go home.

Student Emergency Forms

Forms will be given to all students during the first week of school.  Please have parents complete, sign, and return to school.  It is very important that this information is on file in the health room in case of an emergency and for safe dismissal purposes (we can only use the current year's student information form.)