Principal's Page

Dear Fury,

I am honored to welcome you to Fountain Inn High School. As a school community, we have the unique opportunity to create a new high school together over the next four years. Although senior year seems far away, before you know it, you will be teaching a new group of first-year students the traditions built during your time at FIHS. High school goes by quickly. Make sure to get involved and be a part of helping to build a strong foundation and culture for the future Fury in our community.

Transitioning to high school is another step in the journey towards young adulthood. Each step of that journey comes with added expectations and responsibilities. Your teachers, counselors, staff members, and administrators are all here to help during your time at FIHS. Take full advantage of the opportunities and resources provided in high school. These supports and enrichments provide a solid academic foundation to build upon as you select pathways of interest for the future. 

Each of you has individual talents and gifts. Collectively, you will be a FuryUS student body!  Together, I can not wait to see what we will accomplish this year.  

Again, welcome to Fountain Inn High School. We are The Fury!

As always, I remain committed to the success of every student.

Maureen S. Tiller, Ed.D.

Principal, Fountain Inn High School


Degrees and Certifications

Bachelor of Science, Special EducationWinthrop University, May 1993Teaching Certification:  Special Education K-12, Elementary Education, Reading Teacher K-12
Master's of Education, Education Administration and SupervisionWinthrop University, December 1996Certification:  Education Administration K-12
Educational Specialist, Educational AdministrationUniversity of South Carolina, August 2011Certification:  Superintendent
Educational Doctorate, Education Systems Improvement ScienceClemson University, December 2023Research Interests:  Student Engagement, Student Voice, Teacher Efficacy, School Improvement
Dissertation: Making the Move Toward Meaningfulness in Learning Activities: Enhancing Teacher Self-Efficacy in Student Engagement through an Instructional Coaching Approach in Improvement Science