
We are a little bit

  • Birthiversary (noun) - Liza's mom's special day (birthday and anniversary!)

Ex: Happy Birthiversary to you, Liza's mom! (Emmel)

  • Pararecbus (noun) - paralellogram+rectangle+rhombus

Ex: A pararecbus is equal to a square. ("Captain")

  • Trifficulty (noun) - difficult and tricky.

Ex: The trifficulty with geometry is that there are so many kinds of quadrilaterals. (Deklan)

  • Flustrated (adjective) - Flustered and frustrated at the same time.

Ex: I was flustrated that I didn't get any cake! (Lulie Mae)

  • Sath (noun) - science plus math.

Ex: When we study space we use a lot of sath. (Charlotte)

  • Endearitating (adjective) - endearing and irritating.

Ex: "Ms. Emmel's jokes are certainly endearitating!" said Liza. (Emmel)

  • Irrinoyed (adjective) - irritated and annoyed.

Ex: It irrinoyed me when my brothers hung upside down from the kitchen cabinets! (Lulie Mae)

  • Sterrified (adjective) - scared and terrified.

Ex: She was sterrified of the snake. ("Fraction Jackson")

  • Sceacher (noun) - school + teacher

Ex: My sceacher is awesome. (Charlotte)